Saturday, 25 April 2020

Oh God I need you

Oh God I need you…

Is that the cry of your heart?

It has been mine this week.

It is easy to see our need of God when things seem to be falling apart, when we are stuck in sin or desperate circumstances, when we have nowhere else to go, in those times it is easy to see that we need God. When we can’t do something; we are emotionally drained, exhausted with effort, tired, struggling alone - then it is was to cry out to God in desperation, fear, as a last resort. It is when we are aware of our limitations that we have no shame in saying, “oh God, I need you”.

But, how about the rest of the time?

It is easy to realise our limitations and inexperience when times are tough, when there’s a struggle, but how abut when things are fine? When life is good even? Do you have the same cry of your heart then - “oh God I need you”?
I’ve got to confess, I don’t. I mean, I know I still need salvation and forgiveness, and I do love God, and talk to him about stuff, but I don’t think I really recognise my need of Him in the same way. Normally, I just get through life, tackle challenges and daily occurrences without much thought of the Most High - is that your experience too?

So, this week, as things have been tough, I have needed God. I have been aware of what is lacking in me, and what God can provide, I have leant on Him afresh. I have cried out many times, “oh God I need you”. So, why don’t I do that the rest of the time? Usually, I just get carried away with the false idea, that when things are ok, I can actually manage this life alright by myself. Is it the same for you?

If it is, then we are both mistaken. God is so involved in every intricate detail of our lives, it’s great really that He gives us these trying times in order for us to recognise our weakness and His strength, our ineptitude and His ability. Are the hard times opportunities for us to renew our dependence on God? To cry out again that we need Him? For God to remind us, that actually, haven’t you got this yet - you need me all the time?

There’s a song that has been going round my head this week that includes the phrase “oh God I need you”. Here are some of the lyrics;

“Without you I fall apart……..Oh God I need you….Every hour I need you…… oh God I need you….My one defence my righteousness….oh God how I need you”

The bit that really impacts me, is that ‘every hour I need you’. Are you and I aware that our need of God is so huge, that every hour we need Him? Every hour God is caring for you, every hour He is there for you, every hour He is putting the very breath in your lungs.

I think I want to end this blog with a prayer this week, if you, like me, get so distracted with life and your own abilities, rather than your need of God, why not pray along with me:

Oh God, Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your forgiveness, and your incredible love. Thank you for wanting to share our little lives with us.
Sorry that I don’t always realise your presence. That I don’t recognise my need of you when life is alright. Thank you for giving me those tough times to remind me that I am not enough, but you are. For allowing me to realise again how much I do need you. Help me God, to see you evident in my life, and build in me an every day awareness and dependence on you. Help me today to rely on you not myself.
Thank you for your kindness, forgiveness and presence. Thank you that your love never runs out, and that you want to share not just this life with me but eternity.
You are so good, and I Love you.

[Chris Tomlin - Lord I Need You - YouTube](

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