Thursday, 2 April 2020

why are you worried?

As we sit in our own houses pondering life and isolation, what are your innermost thoughts?

Do you come up with a seemingly endless stream of ‘to do’ jobs around the home? Are you concerned with getting enough food to eat? Do you worry if your job is one that is going to be lost or furloughed? Are you slipping into cabin fever, feeling the most lonely you’ve ever felt? Or are you worried about your own health and that of those you love?
All of these are legitimate concerns. Most of us have had similar thoughts cross our minds.
Across the world we are all facing the same crisis, but how are you managing?
Do these concerns consume your mind or are you making peace with your situation?

I love walking, and last week as I wandered along I was considering the reality of the impact the corona virus is and will have on life as we know it. It’s a series of unknowns and a sequence of worries that run through my mind. How will we manage as a family being at home with only one outing a day? How will my kids futures be effected with reduced social interaction and educational access?
As I walked along pondering these things, I  took in the environment around me; the warm morning sunshine, bright blue sky, chasing chaffinches and lovely little lambs, the beauty of the red breasted robin and bouncing bunnies, spring-time blossom swaying in the breeze -  what a beautiful world we live in! Being around nature brought a smile to my face and I felt peaceful and grateful - what a wonderful world this is!

As I pondered these beautiful things, I realised that my worries vanished, as I began to consider the natural world I realised that none of the birds or bunnies are fussed about this virus, none of them even know what is occurring across the world. They are not consumed with the corona crisis that we are facing, in fact they are quite oblivious to it. These creatures are just living their simple life; playing, eating, resting, totally unaware of the concerns of our human minds.

So, it made me question myself - why am I concerned? Why am I distracted and allowing worry to enter my mind?
Throughout all the wars, plagues and disasters that have occurred, the birds still sing, the bunnies still bounce and the lambs still bleat. They live and appreciate their existence each day at a time. Maybe this is a time for us as humans to take lesson from the world around us.
Consider the birds, look at the lambs, and like them appreciate each day, whatever it may bring. Allow yourself to consider nature and the simple pleasures and necessities of life. Rediscover the daily joys, take your time, be present for others, take a glance at nature and see things from a new perspective.
Why not take this time as an opportunity to reflect on your life. What are the daily delights you have? Are you able to eat, rest, sleep? If so, then why worry about anything else?

‘Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?’ Matthew 6:26

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