Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Shaky Servant


The faith of Abraham’s servant is quite astounding. He is faithful to Abraham, and totally respects the faith Abraham has, acknowledging something significant about ‘the God of my master Abraham’

Although, at the beginning of Genesis chapter 24 the servant seems overwhelmed by the task his master is giving him, the servant has trust enough in Abraham and God to do as Abraham asks. 

The servant even prays a bit of an outrageous prayer (ever done that?!). Then he sits there, I believe, in awe-struck silence, as his prayer is answered straight away right in front of his eyes. 

We can see from the text that he was clearly stunned, he and questioned whether it was really that easy the task he had been sent on. He knew it shouldn’t be. He had started the journey with many questions and concerns. Yet he still stepped out in nervous faith, more carried along by the faith of Abraham and his obedience to him. It was then that his own faith grew. 

As we read more about the unravelling of this story, the servant honestly retells the events to those listening, and they acknowledge, “the thing has come from the Lord”

As the servant sees that God indeed is with him, he worships, he recognises that it’s not anything of his own self that deserves this situation to work out as it has. He knows he has been sent by a God-filled man, and he humbly continues with his mission having seen what God has already achieved through his obedience. 

I love this story because I see the humility of this servant whose name isn’t even mentioned.  He doesn’t know if he really believes in this God, as he refers to Him as, ‘the God of my master Abraham’. The servant is obedient even though the task set before him stretches him and demands something unusual. His obedience to the faith-filled Abraham is ultimately what leads him to begin to understand that there really is a God, and that this God is significant. This God makes things happen, even those things that seem ridiculous, this God is present, this God listens, this God fulfils His purposes, this God is awesome and is worthy of worship. 

Yet, the servant would not have grown in faith in this way unless Abraham had challenged him to go on this journey. The servant had seen Abraham make decisions in faith, but had not had to do it on his own before. Abraham sent him, and look at the increase of faith this produced in that man, and the blessing it brought to Abraham’s family. 

Are you willing to be sent on a faith journey? 

Is there someone who’s faith you admire that is setting a challenge for you to move and grow in faith? If so, be obedient, take the risk - what’s the worse that can happen? 

When you step out in faith, it is terrifying, it is different, and people may think you’re a bit crazy, but be ready, like the servant, to pray outrageous prayers and see outrageous answers. It won’t just change your life, but the lives those around you too. The task of Abraham's servant seemed ridiculous really, yet he trusted in the faith of his master, someone who had seen God working in so many ways in his life, the servant took stock of the success and faith of this man, and realised that eventhough he did not share the faith of Abraham, he could trust that Abraham knew what he was asking of him and expecting of God. So, the servant stepped froward with trepidation. He by no means was certain of success, or of what would happen, but he had confidence in Abraham, even if he didn't have the same confidence in God yet. 

Are you willing to go like Abraham’s servant was? It is ok to have questions, it’s ok to not be sure, it’s ok to be nervous and excited. It’s great to pray and trust. So, are you willing to take the first shaky steps into a new future as you trust in the faith of others when they call you to step out?

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