Monday, 3 January 2022

Can you make space for God in your life?

 Whilst we were gathered as church this week, we were worshipping God, and appreciating the fact that we are children of God and that He has prepared room for us in His kingdom, even in His house. I was struck by a thought; As well as feeling incredibly grateful that God, the Almighty would consider me part of His family, and would even go as far as planning and preparing a place for me in His home, I was also inspired by the idea that this goes both ways. 

If God has prepared a place for me and welcomed me into His family, then do I do the same? Do I make space for God in my life? Do you?

If you or I are really serious about following God, does it show? 

If we are really honest with ourselves , do we make room for God at; home, work, school, the local high street? 

If we REALLY believe that Jesus is who he says he is, and that God is who Jesus shows Him to be, then it has to be more than a decision or mindset. As we recognise we are His children, this should effect how we go about our daily lives. If God is our Father, surely it is our responsibility and even duty to make room for Him in our lives just as he does for us.

The question is, how do we practically do that?

I think it is in the everyday routines and moments that we can make space for God and cause Him to be known or hidden. 

Here are some questions and thoughts i have been considering; 

  • Does your daily routine take into account that you have a relationship with God? 
Being a wife, Mum and dog owner I have to keep in mind these relationships in my everyday life as I am responsible for how healthy these relationships are. The decisions I make, the time I spend doing things and the wants and needs of those I live with have to feature in my everyday life otherwise family will suffer. Same goes for having a relationship with God. If I am His child, do I spend time with Him? Or even consider Him as I make decisions, as I work or rest? Do I bother to read the Bible or take time pray and consider what God might want from me? Is there space for God in my routine or do I just spend a bit of time thinking about Him when I have the time, or when I am not too tired? (Because let’s be honest, we can all be too busy and tired at times). Is God a priority in life? If not, should He be? Is there something that can change in the everyday that can mean the relationship with Him is prioritised? 

Jesus made a point of seeking out God whilst he walked the Earth, he set aside time for Him, and we see how clamoured he was by people at times. Yet he showed us the importance of prioritising a relationship with God.

  • How about the communications we have with people? 

It is not all about what we do or don’t do in life, but also how we communicate with others. I know I am pretty rubbish at email, I don’t really like email and can probably come across a bit short or cross because I am trying to get it over and done with quick. Yet, if I consider God, I would be making more effort and taking a bit more consideration in how things are put across. This goes the same for any way that we communicate whether it is verbally, physically or in writing.

Proverbs 15: 28;

The heart of the godly thinks carefully before speaking; the mouth of the wicked overflows with evil words

  • How do you connect with other believers? 

Hebrews 10: 24 - 25

Let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Here we are instructed to look out for one another and meet together. Do you intentionally connect with other believers to encourage and share what God is doing in your life, to learn more, to pray? It is not just about turning up at an event like it is some kind of attendance mark, but about being meaningfully engaged in a community of believers. It doesn’t mean we all have to preach or lead, or pray out loud, but do you consider how you might help the running of an event, or how to support or encourage someone else? Sometimes it is the washing or cleaning up, or a kind word that makes a difference to someone else. You are a child of God, and as well as having a lot to learn, you also have a lot to give as you have His character within you. God wants to use you to encourage others, He wants us all not to just turn up, but to be connected and participating in His family, not just one day a week but everyday. It inspires me that the disciples in Acts were in and out of each others homes and meeting together daily! What a community that must have been! Do you make space for other believers in your everyday? We are so privileged that we have technology that can connect us in an instant to other people; do you make use of it? We can send a text, ring someone or even knock on their door. Do you make the effort to keep in touch? This is what making space for God in your life can look like. 

God wants us to intentionally make time and space for each other, and sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to (just like in a family!) but that’s ok. Our time on this Earth, amongst other believers, is our practice ground for when we enter into the place God has prepared a place for us. Making space for God in our lives often has to include other people!

So, is there anything you need to change to make space for God in your life?

I know I need to consider how my evenings are spent. It is not that I do anything bad at those times, or am particularly lazy or sucked into the TV for hours, but I notice that it is a time that I can usually get to do something. It is a point in the day that I could make some space for God. Probably not every night, but I know I can set aside some time during the week of an evening. So, what should I do? Well here are a few ideas that will likely work for me; spending an hour or so reading a faith-based book, praying for my town/family/others; meeting up with and encouraging other faith-filled friends. Not an outrageous awe-inspiring list perhaps, but a practical way that I can implement a bit more space for God in my life. 

Is there some way that you could make space in your life for God, just as He has made space in His life for you? 

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