Monday 19 August 2024

What do you have hope and security in?

 What do you have hope and security in? 

Whatever it is that you trust or hope in, whether it be money, job, intellect, family, nature or health, at some point these things are going to let you down. One day there may be; a financial crisis, business may go bust, people will fail you, a natural disaster or illness will occur that destabilises your hope and security because they were never intended to give you the hope and security you need. The things of life that can be gained and enjoyed cannot be depended upon to stand the test of time and cannot be guaranteed and they do not last forever. They can be enjoyed and appreciated, but if they are aspects of life that you have security and hope in they are going to fail you as they cannot the tests and trials that life brings. It does not matter how much money you have if you get an incurable disease, and it does not matter how healthy you are if an earthquake destroys your town. Yet we can all rely on these things to help us and provide stability to life as they are tangible and seem attainable. It is a relief to have enough, an encouragement to have a prospering business and a happy family, and it is good to appreciate and value such things. Yet they do not make good sources of hope or security and they are certainly not very good gods. These aspects of our lifestyle were never meant to be all that your life is about. They should not be your only endeavour or end goal, and you need to be mindful how much of your time, talent and treasure is absorbed by such things so that they do not dominate your life. As when these aspirations fail you, or you fail to gain them, then what? Does your whole world crumble? Do you question your sense of self, your worth and purpose? If so, then these enjoyable elements of life have become far too important to you. One day beauty, money, health, family and friends will wane, and what will your hope and security be in then? Life does not need to depend on such fragile and temporal things. There is something else you can trust in that will never let you down. There is someone that will never fail you, and will always be there, that will give you eternal purpose and security that is not based on any of these fallible things - Almighty God. The creator and sustainer of the universe is willing and able to become your hope and security. The One who created all of the things you desire in life and outlives them all can provide you with; security, hope, refuge, assurance, confidence and belonging - forever.  Are you putting all of your hope and security in Him?

Psalm 46:1–11 (ESV):  

1  God is our refuge and strength, 

a very present help in trouble. 

2  Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, 

though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, 

3  though its waters roar and foam, 

though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah 

4  There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, 

the holy habitation of the Most High. 

5  God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; 

God will help her when morning dawns. 

6  The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; 

he utters his voice, the earth melts. 

7  The Lord of hosts is with us; 

the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah 

8  Come, behold the works of the Lord, 

how he has brought desolations on the earth. 

9  He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; 

he breaks the bow and shatters the spear; 

he burns the chariots with fire. 

10  “Be still, and know that I am God. 

I will be exalted among the nations, 

I will be exalted in the earth!” 

11  The Lord of hosts is with us; 

the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah 

God can fulfil any need or desire that you have. He can conquer any battle you face. He has power over; nature, nations and cities! He is strong and capable to completely shatter and to build. God can bring you peace when ‘the mountains tremble’, He can be your refuge when ‘the nations rage’. Are you depending on Him? Is He your hope and security?

For ‘he utters his voice, the earth melts.’! What a powerful and beautiful truth - God just speaks and the earth can melt! Just as His voice brought light and life to creation, He can also speak to melt things away. This is true on a universal scale as well as an individual one. Whatever needs to cease or start in your life, God can bring it into being. He has the capability and the power to do it. Nothing is too small or too big for God - remember He reigns over nature, cities and the universe! So, what are you asking Him to challenge and change? 

Whatever you have had hope and security in before, can it even compare with this?!

Reading through this psalm reveals something of the power and nature of God. This is the God who also wants to be your Father and friend. You can have this Almighty and powerful God impacting your life, giving you permanence and purpose. You can know His strength and great love for you when you choose to follow Him and put your hope and security in Him. You can have; refuge, strength, confidence, assurance, peace, security, promises, a home, victory and His presence for all eternity if you choose to live a life knowing and honouring God. You can know and grow relationship with the One whose words cease and start things, with the One who is stable through every natural occurrence, who brings wars into insignificance and can melt the earth away. 

Can you really afford to live without Him? 

Other things in life that seek your time and attention cannot promise you all of this! They are nice to have and should be appreciated if you have them, but they will eventually let you down, disappoint and disillusion you. So why live your life relentlessly pursuing temporal matters that will falter and fail you, why live life for less when you can have the God of the universe as your hope and security?

Why not do as the psalmist tells us in verse 10; ‘Be still, and know that I am God’. That is a command to stop! Stop doing what you are doing, settle yourself down and remind yourself exactly who God is. God is enough, ‘behold the works of the Lord’ and see. He can sort out nature, He can conquer cities, and He can even cause the Earth to melt, so surely He is worth considering and pursuing in your life. Surely, it would be dangerous not to consider Him? So, today, take time to think about what you are chasing after in this life and if it is really worth it. Where is your hope and security? Then ‘Be still’, and consider God. 

What can you rely on and hope in Him for?

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