Monday 26 August 2024

God is the King of all the earth

 Psalm 47:1–9 (ESV):  

1  Clap your hands, all peoples! 

Shout to God with loud songs of joy! 

2  For the Lord, the Most High, is to be feared, 

a great king over all the earth. 

3  He subdued peoples under us, 

and nations under our feet. 

4  He chose our heritage for us, 

the pride of Jacob whom he loves. Selah 

5  God has gone up with a shout, 

the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. 

6  Sing praises to God, sing praises! 

Sing praises to our King, sing praises! 

7  For God is the King of all the earth; 

sing praises with a psalm! 

8  God reigns over the nations; 

God sits on his holy throne. 

9  The princes of the peoples gather 

as the people of the God of Abraham. 

For the shields of the earth belong to God; 

he is highly exalted! 

When you recall the works of God and His character, how can you not get excited?! 

What has God done in your life, family, amongst your friends, in your country, or even in history that you celebrate and are joyful about? If the answer is nothing, then look again. For God has been there and working throughout, ask Him to show you what He has been doing, allow yourself to become joyful at what God has done and believe Him for whatever circumstances may come. 

In this short palm we read how God has; made himself King over all the Earth, he has quieted oppression, caused the nation of Israel to be victorious, he gives a secure future, an inheritance, plus He loves and owns everything on Earth! This God spoken about in this psalm is the same God we worship today. He is still victorious, loving, blessing his people, and He continues to promise a secure and certain future for those who become His people. Are you rejoicing in the character and nature of God today? 

This psalm reminds us that God is ‘our King’. Wherever you are, God is King. He is not a king that is confined to a specific area or time, but He is an eternal, omnipresent king and so is king of all creation, every area, throughout all history, in the present and future. It does not matter of what generation or earthly kingdom you are a part of, you can know God as king of your place, time and situation. 

Kings are powerful, have authority and are responsible for leading their kingdom in safety, justice and freedom. Some earthly kings do that better than others, but God always leads His kingdom in truth, love and justice. You may not always understand what He is up to nor understand His tactics, but He is always working for His kingdom to be victorious, for that is the best thing for His people. ‘God is King of all the earth’ - there is no place, situation or person that He is not king of, He ‘reigns over the nations’. God is always in authority and in control and is working for His kingdom to expand. So, take comfort and assurance in all situations that God is present and reigning even if it doesn’t look like it to you. See how God has changed nations before, how He has transformed people and places and thank God that He can do it again. Remember just what it means for God to be King and allow your praises to overflow to Him. He is worthy of worship so; rejoice, be glad, sing, hope, worship, adore and extol God as King today. He deserves it! He deserves to hear us clapping, singing and shouting in adoration as, 'he is highly exalted'.

Sing praises to God, sing praises! 

Sing praises to our King, sing praises!’

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