Monday 9 September 2024

How you live matters

 Psalm 49:1–20 (ESV):  

1  Hear this, all peoples! 

Give ear, all inhabitants of the world, 

2  both low and high, 

rich and poor together! 

3  My mouth shall speak wisdom; 

the meditation of my heart shall be understanding. 

4  I will incline my ear to a proverb; 

I will solve my riddle to the music of the lyre. 

5  Why should I fear in times of trouble, 

when the iniquity of those who cheat me surrounds me, 

6  those who trust in their wealth 

and boast of the abundance of their riches? 

7  Truly no man can ransom another, 

or give to God the price of his life, 

8  for the ransom of their life is costly 

and can never suffice, 

9  that he should live on forever 

and never see the pit. 

10  For he sees that even the wise die; 

the fool and the stupid alike must perish 

and leave their wealth to others. 

11  Their graves are their homes forever, 

their dwelling places to all generations, 

though they called lands by their own names. 

12  Man in his pomp will not remain; 

he is like the beasts that perish. 

13  This is the path of those who have foolish confidence; 

yet after them people approve of their boasts. Selah 

14  Like sheep they are appointed for Sheol; 

death shall be their shepherd, 

and the upright shall rule over them in the morning. 

Their form shall be consumed in Sheol, with no place to dwell. 

15  But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol, 

for he will receive me. Selah 

16  Be not afraid when a man becomes rich, 

when the glory of his house increases. 

17  For when he dies he will carry nothing away; 

his glory will not go down after him. 

18  For though, while he lives, he counts himself blessed 

—and though you get praise when you do well for yourself— 

19  his soul will go to the generation of his fathers, 

who will never again see light. 

20  Man in his pomp yet without understanding is like the beasts that perish. 

This psalm is a call for people to listen and learn, to consider life and death and what they are living for. I have considered this psalm and written it in my own words, hopefully this will help convey the meaning and give you insight as you read it:

Listen up because I am going to tell you some important and intelligent things. I am willing to listen and learn, considering what I hear and I want to share with you what I know.

Why should I be scared when trouble comes? When people lie, cheat and do wrong things? Or even worry about those who have more than I do, as they trust in material things? Nobody can really buy off another person, or pay off their debt of sin with money. No-one can pay God the debt they owe for their life. No matter how much wealth people may have or what they generously give, it will never be enough to make up for all they have done wrong. Sin has a hefty price that no-one can pay. There is no way anyone can buy their way out of trouble, out of hell (‘the pit’) and into heaven. It is impossible.

Even those with lots of money and material things see other people die without enjoying their riches. Whatever they seemed to have on Earth is quickly taken by others. It doesn’t matter if you are wise or foolish - everyone dies - and their things get left to other people. Whatever is accumulated in life doesn’t remain in your hands for long, yet death outlasts life! You have an eternity where you will not be on this Earth. This is true for every generation. It doesn’t matter if buildings, places or stars are named after you, you still die - Just like all the other animals. 

As for those silly people who go about falsely happy and confident, listening to the flatteries of those that approve of their lifestyle - They are like sheep appointed for the butcher! They are destined for death. Everlasting death. The land of doom and deep darkness is all that is awaiting them at the end of their earthly existence. In the end, it will be those who have lived good, godly, honest lives that will be in authority over them. As God will take care of and receive His people. He saves them from eternal doom and darkness. 

Therefore do not be frightened of those with riches or power, or of those who have many material goods and authority, for what do they take with them when they die? Their authority, riches and power don’t last long and are of no use to them once life is finished. They may consider how wealthy, happy and flourishing they are whilst they are alive, and others may admire and tell them how great they are, yet their soul will not see light after death. Once no longer living on Earth the riches and material things have no importance or value. It is the soul that lives on - where shall it go - to God or to ‘the pit’? So, do not act like one that has not been informed or who is unaware and silly, but take note and understand that we all die - what are you doing to prepare for that?

Hopefully. that re-write shows the powerful persuasion of this psalm. Those that wrote it recognised the importance of taking time to consider life and death and they wanted others to do the same. They remind us that life is short and death is long, so your priorities in life should reflect that reality. Your major investments should not be in the kingdom of Earth, but for the life that follows as that is more long-lasting and significant. You have an eternal future, are you preparing for it? Or are you busy accumulating experiences, wealth or relationships on Earth? There is nothing wrong with having and enjoying these things, but if it is all that you are focussed on and aim for, then when your life ends there’s not going to be much to take with you. There is not a problem with these things in themselves, but the way in which you view things is important. How you live matters. Your attitude, behaviour, values and beliefs have long-term effects. It impacts your experiences now, and after you breathe your last breath. Your values, beliefs and behaviour in this life determine your destination after death. There is more meaning to life than your wallet, relationships and reputation. Are you living with that mindset?

There needs to be an eternal edge to how you live. What you believe and live for has eternal impact. If you live now without any consideration for others or God then your eternal reality will be doom and darkness without God. 

As well as considering your enjoyment and achievements in life, you know one day your life will end. what are you going to be leaving when your numbered days are up? Is it going to be a fortune, reputation, your name plastered around different areas - things that will have no value or use to you when you’re not around any more and in reality, things that have little impact on those left behind. The money and memories may last a few years but they fade in time. Is it not worth investing your time, energy, effort and finance into something that will have eternal benefit to you and to others? 

In order to do that, you need a mindset that is not bound by life, but one that also considers death. You require an attitude that has an eternal mindset. A mindset that acknowledges the truth that life exists beyond your time on Earth. Do not be one of those that live for the here and now and for the speculative future they hope to enjoy on Earth - it is not guaranteed. Yet death is! Life is more than your existence on Earth. One day you will breathe your last. Yet did you know that life can be enjoyed after that? If you live your life following, believing, trusting and obeying God on Earth, then you will have an eternity to enjoy beyond the grave. 

The promise for this psalmist is that, ‘God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol, for he will receive me’. For the one that considers and lives for God now this is a certainty. So consider today the kind of life you are living. God promises that you can be received by Him if you live this earthly life with Him and He will help you prepare for the life to come. If you are living with God now, then you’ll be choosing to live with God in the eternity that follows. You will avoid ’the pit’, darkness and eternal doom. How you live now matters. This psalm implores you to consider what you are doing with your life. As how you live now influences your final destination after death. So do not live , ‘in foolish confidence’ because now you know, you have been told. Instead you can live with God and be received by Him. What are you going to choose? 

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