Monday 7 October 2024

Is your faith as secure as David’s?

 Psalm 54:1–7 (ESV):  

1  O God, save me by your name, 

and vindicate me by your might. 

2  O God, hear my prayer; 

give ear to the words of my mouth. 

3  For strangers have risen against me; 

ruthless men seek my life; 

they do not set God before themselves. Selah 

4  Behold, God is my helper; 

the Lord is the upholder of my life. 

5  He will return the evil to my enemies; 

in your faithfulness put an end to them. 

6  With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to you; 

I will give thanks to your name, O Lord, for it is good. 

7  For he has delivered me from every trouble, 

and my eye has looked in triumph on my enemies. 

Prayers do not have to be long, even when you are desperate. In this psalm we see David calling out to God in distress. He needed his life saving, he was confused and on the run. David had been anointed king years ago, he had been the soother of Saul’s soul through music and was a loyal and successful soldier in the king’s army, and now he is running for his life! King Saul who had once delighted in David had turned vehemently against him and now sought to kill him. So, David had to escape. David knew the promise of God on his life, yet right now, he had to run away to survive. Even though David did not understand what was happening and certainly did not like it, he still honoured and obeyed God. He did not take the change in circumstance as a withdrawal of God’s purposes, plans or favour. He still trusted and believed in God and set his heart and mind on following Him rather than pursuing his own ease and comfort. That is tough isn’t it?! When it seems like the opposite to the promises of God are happening, you can feel abandoned and rejected by Him. You can feel hurt, confused, angry, disappointed and in despair. What is your response when things like this happen? Do you run away from God, get involved in unhelpful habits, or do you continue to trust and believe in Him and proceed to honour and obey Him like David did?

David was uncomfortable and scared as he wrote this psalm, he implored God to intervene and ‘save me’. He saw the reality of what was happening and he called upon God as, ‘the upholder of my life’. David trusted God to sustain and provide for him, not just material things but every breath. Even when he was chased and persecuted he recognised that God is the only one who was in control of his life - how long it lasts and how it ends. David’s security was in God. He knew that God's promises still stood, and that they would be fulfilled because a) God had promised and b) his life was not yet over so there was still time! David was assured through the relationship that he had developed with God  that God supports those who honour and obey Him. He knew that God is faithful, powerful, helpful and has a plan beyond any human one. He accepted that God will fulfil His will even when it seems ridiculous or impossible. 

Do you have confidence in God like that?

The problem with this kind of admirable, secure faith that David has is that it grows through adversity. David knew God had saved him from; bears, lions, giants, and mighty warriors. Therefore David was certain that God would not allow anything to thwart the promises God had made to him. David had learnt that God was trustworthy and true and worth betting his life on. If David stayed close to God, he knew that God would continue to save him, ‘from every trouble’ and allow him to look ‘in triumph on my enemies’. David knew this because of the trials he had already faced with God so trust had been built. When you face troubles do you know that God is right there with you in it? Have you successfully followed God through the trials so that your faith is built and becomes secure? Security in God and the confidence that David had come because you have previously overcome through hard times honouring God and following Him throughout. Keeping your eyes open for what God can and will do and holding firmly onto His promises. So, take some time to consider, what troubles has God got you through? Where are your victories? 

You too can trust in God today as the ‘upholder of my life’. Recall the promises He has spoken over you and keep following Him, then you too will know God’s power, deliverance and remarkable triumphs. 

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