Monday, 6 January 2025

Why you should ask God to bless you

 Psalm 67:1–7 (ESV):  

1  May God be gracious to us and bless us 

and make his face to shine upon us, Selah 

2  that your way may be known on earth, 

your saving power among all nations. 

3  Let the peoples praise you, O God; 

let all the peoples praise you! 

4  Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, 

for you judge the peoples with equity 

and guide the nations upon earth. Selah 

5  Let the peoples praise you, O God; 

let all the peoples praise you! 

6  The earth has yielded its increase; 

God, our God, shall bless us. 

7  God shall bless us; 

let all the ends of the earth fear him! 

In this psalm, the people of God are asking that God blesses them, not for their own benefit, but so that others see that God blesses His people and will praise Him as a result. Have you ever considered that you being blessed is an opportunity to witness about God’s goodness and favour?

God’s blessings are a great way to share God’s goodness with others, to those that follow God and those that don’t. It shows that you recognise where the good things in your life come from, and is a chance to share some great truths about what living a life with God is like. Through receiving, recognising, appreciating, and sharing the wonderful things God has done in your life, you can impact individuals, people and nations (v3-4) and inspire them to consider and honour God - isn’t that cool?! 

The purpose of the requested blessing in verse 1 is that God’s ‘way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations’. It is not about the comfort or wealth of the individual or the people of God, but so that they can witness that God loves and cares for His own. Showing that God fulfils His purposes, lovingly leads His people and has the power to save. The people of this world, your nation, town and household need to hear that. They need to see the power God has to save and that God is living and active on Earth through your life. So, when you are blessed, when you see good things in your life, do you openly give credit to God for them to others around you? The purpose of receiving a blessing from God is to show others who God is. Therefore, when you are blessed you should share the; joy, peace, contentment, breakthrough, healing, gifts, and deliverance that God has brought. As the reason for the blessing is not for your own comfort and enjoyment, but for God’s way to be known and His saving power released to others.

Almost every verse of this psalm starts with asking God to ‘let’ His people do something. They are requesting His favour, His help and permission to praise, be glad and be joyful. Have you ever asked God for those things? The people of Isreal clearly realised that it is pretty easy to find things to moan about - there are always things we can be disgruntled about, annoyed with, upset by, it doesn’t take a lot to find things you'd like to improve in life. So, instead of focussing on those things, ask God to 'let' you be joyful, and full of praise. Ask for gladness and joy in your life, and then you will be delighted to share about God’s favour, and you can invite others into it. What a difference that would make in this world where there is increasing depression, anxiety and fear. You can be cross-cultural, you can be happy, peaceful, glad, and joyful - just ask God to bless you. 

When you are blessed, when you are happy, don't you share the good news with others? When good things happen, when we are excited about it, we tell people don't we? Well, when you ask God to bless you, and He does, you can do the same - tell people about His goodness. By doing so you will have a part in inspiring people to follow God, changing the life of a person, many people and even the nations! That's what this psalm shows. By simply sharing about the blessings God has brought you, you can be a witness. By letting people know the impact God has in your life you will be sharing about God's saving power and encouraging people to ‘praise you, O God’. What a great privilege!

In order for this to happen, you need to ask God to bless you. It may seem a bit odd especially if you are someone who is grateful for the great things you already have, but if you want to have opportunities to demonstrate God's love, power and salvation to others, then you need to ask God to bless you so that you have stories to share. I already have many things to be grateful for, yet even so, I want to be a part of inspiring people to praise God, So I am going to start asking God to bless me. I do not know what that looks like, but I do know God can and will do it. Then I will have more stories to share about how wonderful God is and trust that the Holy Spirit will use these things to show His way on Earth and release His ‘saving power among all nations’. Are you with me? Will you start asking God to bless you so that, ‘all the people praise’ Him?

1 comment:

  1. Glory to God. Thanks Natalie for this inspiring message.
