Monday, 24 February 2025

When you seek change, are you prepared for the change to start with you?

 Psalm 72:1–20 (ESV):  

1  Give the king your justice, O God, 

and your righteousness to the royal son! 

2  May he judge your people with righteousness, 

and your poor with justice! 

3  Let the mountains bear prosperity for the people, 

and the hills, in righteousness! 

4  May he defend the cause of the poor of the people, 

give deliverance to the children of the needy, 

and crush the oppressor! 

5  May they fear you while the sun endures, 

and as long as the moon, throughout all generations! 

6  May he be like rain that falls on the mown grass, 

like showers that water the earth! 

7  In his days may the righteous flourish, 

and peace abound, till the moon be no more! 

8  May he have dominion from sea to sea, 

and from the River to the ends of the earth! 

9  May desert tribes bow down before him, 

and his enemies lick the dust! 

10  May the kings of Tarshish and of the coastlands 

render him tribute; 

may the kings of Sheba and Seba 

bring gifts! 

11  May all kings fall down before him, 

all nations serve him! 

12  For he delivers the needy when he calls, 

the poor and him who has no helper. 

13  He has pity on the weak and the needy, 

and saves the lives of the needy. 

14  From oppression and violence he redeems their life, 

and precious is their blood in his sight. 

15  Long may he live; 

may gold of Sheba be given to him! 

May prayer be made for him continually, 

and blessings invoked for him all the day! 

16  May there be abundance of grain in the land; 

on the tops of the mountains may it wave; 

may its fruit be like Lebanon; 

and may people blossom in the cities 

like the grass of the field! 

17  May his name endure forever, 

his fame continue as long as the sun! 

May people be blessed in him, 

all nations call him blessed! 

18  Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, 

who alone does wondrous things. 

19  Blessed be his glorious name forever; 

may the whole earth be filled with his glory! 

Amen and Amen! 

20  The prayers of David, the son of Jesse, are ended. 

Solomon (the king’s son) here is asking for God to give him the character and gifts needed to lead the nation well. He knows he will inherit the throne of his father, David, so he is preparing himself to lead. Therefore as he takes on this mammoth task, he asks for God’s help and blessing in the role. He is clearly not confident or sure of what he will need to do, but he is sure that God can help him and the nation. He prays for the kind of rule he wants, and the kind of kingdom that anyone would like to lead - righteous, just, prosperous, protected, free and God-honouring. Solomon knows that he cannot achieve this alone, and he knows the battles his father has fought to protect this people, so he is under no illusion that being monarch is going to be easy! Therefore he asks God for help, and for his character to be moulded into the king that the nation needs. Solomon is prepared to do the hard work of changing himself in otder to be the vessel God and the Israelites need (notice all the times he says 'may he'). When you pray for change, are you prepared for the change to start with you?

Solomon understands that in order to lead the nation into peace and justice that he will have to handle judgements and he desires to do that right. He needs the spirit of God to help him discern, so he asks. He goes to God and asks Him to help, do you? Whatever is needed to do the tasks you are given in life, do you ask God to help you do them well? Solomon did. He knew change was required for the benefit of the people he was serving, and he asks God for it even if that means he has to change, learn and stretch himself. Solomon recognises that he needs to take responsibility, but it is scary and too big a job for him. His vision and ideal reign will be peaceful and prosperous, so he asks God to deliver it and transform him into the kind of person that can lead a nation like that. He firstly asks to become just and righteous (v1-2), then he goes onto ask for courage to defend those with the least and defeat ‘the oppressor’ (v4), next he asks that he refreshes the people of Israel (v6-7). He does not want to be a burden, but a blessing, He wants to enable the country to flourish, and so realises that there are expectations and responsibilities that he needs to take on that he doesn’t feel ready for. Therefore he needs the power of God to come! To change him, to provide and go before him. 

Solomon must have learnt from his Dad how to pray! He must have seen him crying out in distress, praising and petitioning God for help. He may have read some of the songs and prayers David wrote. He had seen the success of a life lived depending on God, and reigning from an attitude of God first, and so he copied this successful way. Solomon had seen that the fear of God from the king will cause the nation to prosper (v5). As he wants to rule well and for a long time (v6-7), for a wide expanse of land (v8-11) in a peaceful time, and for the nation to be renowned for peace, justice and prosperity, Solomon knows he has to look to God for it. He trusts God for the things yet unknown and unrealised because he has experienced the success of his father's relationship with God and seen how that has brought salvation and restoration to Israel. So as the time approaches for him to be the leader, he desires to continue to develop and grow the nation into goodness. He was aware that David and his mother,  Bathsheba, were preparing him to be king, so he wanted to prepare himself. Therefore he sought God so that he could become the man God needed to rule Israel. He was prepared for the change to start with him.

We know that these things Solomon prayed for came about. Israel knew peace and prosperity during his reign, and he was known as a wise and just king, other kings voluntarily paid homage to Solomon voluntarily (v10). God gave Solomon what he had asked for. After all, Solomon had prayed for what God desired already, and so it came about plus Solomon was willing to change himself first in order to complete his job well. He asked God for His assistance in the everyday things that he needed to do, knowing that there was personal development required, and he trusted God with the vision he had for the future. We can read this psalm and conclude that Solomon was asking for the perfect nation, and why not?! Why limit your expectations of what God can do? Solomon didn’t, and look at the nation of Israel when he ruled - he was known to be wise and just, and Israel was a peaceful and prosperous nation with other kings and queens voluntarily bringing him gifts and learning from him. Solomon prayed for big things, and God delivered. Solomon allowed himself to be changed first so that the nation could be transformed, and it happened. When you desire change, are you prepared for it to start with you?  Will you ask God to help and prepare you for today and the future, asking Him to help you be the change He needs?

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