Monday 6 April 2020

What is God telling you today?

What is God telling you today?
Are you positioning yourself to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying?

*7*Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says,
“Today, if you hear his voice,
*8* do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion,
on the day of testing in the wilderness’

Hebrews 3:7–8.

Are you hearing God speak to you? If not, why not?
Are you positioning yourself to listen?

With children, we instruct them to; to stop, look and be still to show they are listening, do you do the same to listen to God?

When you pray do you give time for God to answer, or are you already onto the next topic? Do you rest a while when you’re reading the Bible to see what the verses mean to you? Do you have christian friends that speak into your life? Do you listen to preaching? These are all ways God can speak to you, and there are more, so are you allowing yourself to hear the words of God? And are you taking what He says seriously?

When you do hear His voice, ‘do not harden your hearts’ - Obey the word, follow the teaching, take onboard what you know God is saying, let it influence your life. The warning at the end of these few verses in Hebrews, is that those who rebel, ‘shall not enter my rest.’ (V11) You don’t want to be one of those, surely?!

God is speaking to you, but it is easy to miss it if you are not listening. Today, why not position yourself to listen, you may be surprised what He says to you, or what He gives you in return.

What is God telling you today?

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