Thursday, 29 December 2016
Faith and Unity
'After the death of Joshua, the people of Israel inquired of the Lord, “Who shall go up first for us against the Canaanites, to fight against them?” 2 The Lord said, “Judah shall go up; behold, I have given the land into his hand.” '
Israel got it right!
They're great, esteemed leader, Joshua, had died. The one who'd led them into battle to claim the promise land had died. He had clearly led them well because they maintained their faith after his death. Moses and Joshua had worked hard to invest faith into the people, many times the people had gone off and done their own thing because following God is hard, but here, they carried on in faith.
It's at a point where Israel were unsure what to do, so they enquired of God.
Now, that's no mean feat as a whole nation! They got together to ask God, 'what next?'. Then they listened to and obeyed the answer. Not just one or two or ten people, but the whole nation! Can you imagine even 10 people getting together and agreeing something? It'd take a lot of time to get to a decision and there'd probably be someone who wasn't in agreement with it. Israel manage to do this with the whole nation - that can only mean that God was with them, how else could that happen?
Judah was chosen to go up first, and Judah asked Simeon to join them in battle. Brothers working together, supporting in the fight. Not grudgingly, but lovingly did they comply. They fought alongside each other. Worked together in unity. They fought against their common enemy together as a united force following God's plan. They had the same heart, motive and desire - to see the enemy destroyed. What a great example to the rest of the nation! Working together in love defeats the enemy and gains victory!
They worked together purposefully, in obedience to God and won. These two tribes, just a fraction of Israel, brought their enemies down! They gained the land, so then Imagine what the WHOLE tribe of Israel can do if they go out in faith!
Now, imagine what the church can do if they work together! Imagine what YOU can do if you work in faith together with others to make a difference in this world. Joshua and Caleb are renowned in the Old Testament as men of faith. They spied out the land and knew that with God in their side they could be victorious when no-one else did. They had confidence in their God, they knew his righteousness, power and love was with them, just as these two tribes have demonstrated, and they also were victorious. If you have faith in God, and He calls you to do something, trust him. It may seem hard, impossible or strange, but as, 'the Lord was with Judah', he shall also be with you.
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
Influence of the church
In our locality alone there are many that have; visited, been helped, been part of an event, friends who are a part of it. The church is known amongst the people, hopefully for more positive reasons than negative ones.
This is good and right, how it should be. The church should be an integrated part of society. It should be known so that Jesus can be known through it. The church should be known for the positive impact it has on society.
This is what happened throughout the book of Acts. The church had, 'favour with all the people'. It was known for following Jesus teaching, praising God, meeting together, eating together, sharing and caring for each other, providing for those in need, praying, miracles and being glad and generous.
Now, that list doesn't have a lot of religious duties tied up in it. Interesting huh?
The church is known and has favour because of how the people within it relate to one another. The church is not a place or a building, but it's a bunch of people. These people are out and about living and working in a town near you! They are a group of people who aim to put God first in what they do.
This is how the church influences. By genuine relationship with God demonstrated through relationships within the church and overflowing to those in society.
People's experience of what the church stands for is by looking at those who are a part of it.
> if you are part of a church - what are you demonstrating of your faith, and of the church to the community?
> if you're not part of a church - what does the church in your vicinity demonstrate to you?
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Glory, strength and power
'according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being'
God is rich. Rich in; money, power, wisdom, and so it says here, in glory.
So, what is glory? The dictionary defines it as; a source of honour, admiration, the bliss of heaven, of resplendent beauty and magnificence. This means God is rich in splendour, magnificence and honour!
This verse then goes onto say that because of this glory, because God is magnificent, impressive and excellent we will be strengthened in power. God's own excellence, his own honour is our strength!
We have great power at our fingertips, we have the excellence of God within us by his Holy Spirit. That is pretty incredible don't you think?
God's power is actually IN us, but how many of us actually use it? Do we have it lying dormant within us? like an untapped resource?
It IS within us by the Holy Spirit, but do we access God's magnificence within us or leave it lying there?
God's power and strength, it is there, we have access to it. Are you prepared to take it? We have been given permission to access God's strength and power because of His glory.
We have this immense power and strength, but how many of us are scared or unaware of the great power inside of us that we just leave it there?
We HAVE great power through Jesus, we already have it we don't have to earn it. Then, we have a responsibility to use it to let heaven be seen on Earth through our lives.
Ask God to show you what his power in you is for. We can be world changers because God is in us, no, more than that, we ARE world changers.
We have been delegated the responsibility on Earth to live with the riches of heaven within us. So what are you going to do about it?
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Sharing the house
Ephesians 2:19
'you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God'
Before Jesus came, those of us who weren't Jews were, 'strangers and aliens' to God. We were not a part of Israel, so we couldn't join in their festivities, couldn't go to their temple and didn't know about their God.
We were outsiders, strangers and aliens'. The Jews were God's chosen people, they were selected to stand out, set apart from the rest of the world.
It must of been kind of weird when all that changed.
The Jews had to suddenly accept everyone else, and the rest of the world could join with them to worship their God. That's really different and really weird, and to top it off the rest of the world that had been invited in didn't have to comply with all the religious rituals the Jews had been keeping all those years. That must of been quite difficult to accept.
Why was there this sudden change? Because of Jesus!
Jesus connected all people with God. He came to the, 'strangers and aliens'. He called them to become part of God's people, and invited them to be, 'fellow citizens'.
What a difference! From being separate, isolated and misunderstood we can belong.
That's the truth of what Jesus has done. He has made what is not fit for God's kingdom cleaned up and purposeful. He has allowed the outsiders to become, 'fellow citizens'. Those that; belong, have purpose, and have an investment in the kingdom of God.
Then, we are not JUST citizens but we are, 'members of the household of God'. That's pretty special!
We are in the same house as God! We get to share all that he has in his house. Wow!
We have the privilege to hang out with God, to eat with him, relax with Him, and we have access to all that is His!
What can possibly stop us now?!
I think we sometimes forget who we are, we can get lost in all that the world says we are or are not. In the hustle and bustle of life we can get swept along.
Instead, today, look at what you really are. You are NOT a, 'stranger and alien', you are not hidden in the crowds, a mismatch in the world. You, in fact are, 'fellow citizens' and, 'members of the household of God'!
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Go do it!
'we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.'
This is quite a well known verse, I love it. There's quite a lot contained in it, so let's break it down a bit:
- we are his workmanship
We are God's handiwork, his invention, handcrafted and developed by him. Now, as God, is, well, God, he knows what he is doing! You are no mistake, you are not a blot on humanity, you have been designed, and intricately woven together. Every curve, every line has been fashioned and lovingly put together by the Almighty! We all have doubts, I. Shelf have had to grow to understand this. The fact is, the Bible is truth it is God's word, so it is true. It doesn't matter how we feel. We can feel worthless and unwanted, but the truth states that you, 'are his workmanship'. There's no mistake in that. God handcrafted you, you are a part of his creation and he is pleased with all he has made. That's the truth.
- created in Christ Jesus for good works,
We are also made in Christ Jesus. Through Christ's death, we gain life. We have been reborn if we decide to accept all Jesus has done and allow that to change our lives.
We have been created to do good things, we have been created to work. Not everyone has a job, but everyone can do good works. It could be helping out a neighbour, buying a homeless person a sandwich or writing a note to cheer someone up. There's no end to the good works we can do. What good works can you do? God has created you, given you talents and opportunities, are you using them for good works?
- which God prepared beforehand
God has a plan! Even when we don't!
God knows what you are created for, he has designed you for a significant purpose, to make a difference in this world. He has prepared your tasks, and prepared you for them. To find out what they are, you'll have to ask him. Spend time listening to the one who made you, then you'll find out what you're made for.
The great thing is God put all this thought and purpose into not only designing you, but designing you for a purpose. The world needs you in it to complete the works you've been made for. God knows what you're meant to do, so you can trust him when he's leading you into sometimes scary paths.
- that we should walk in them
So, God designed us, designed us for purpose, all in advance, now what?
Now..... DO IT!
There's no point in knowing and understanding this stuff if we're just going to sit there and not do anything about it. You have been designed to do good things, so go and do them!
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
We are the church!
Is it a building, a set system of beliefs? A bunch of people? A place filled with religiosity?
These are common assumptions.
In the Bible church actually is; the house of God, the bride of Christ, the whole body of Christian believers, an army.
The church is the house of God.
It's the place where God lives and works. Where he is present, moving and changing lives. It is a place of power, strength, and impossible things because God is there. It is where God is, permanently. So it will always have power and strength and the miraculous taking place because that's where God is
Now, that's not enough because if the church is just a place of power then it could be strong, but it would be pretty cold and scary. So, the church is also the bride of Christ. It is beloved, cherished, taken care of and secure. The church is what Jesus died for. If he hadn't died, it wouldn't exist. Jesus died because he loved the church SO much, he put the church first, he built it and he saved it. So the church is a place of fierce love, where love always wins.
Physically, the church is the whole body of believers. It is not a building in a village or city, it is not a small group of people that worship in a living room. It's not defined by the confines of a room or space. The church is a multinational, multilingual, diverse range of people across the world. It has millions of members who are all connected through the love of Jesus! It is not one person on their own. The church walks your streets, it works in shops, schools, hospitals, banks and in the tax office. The church is growing and moving as the people in it do their daily business. The church is alive!
What does the church do?
It invades!
The church is an army. We have one commander, and we move together to make his name of known. His name is Jesus. Now, an army fights. We will fight for what we believe in, we will stand on the truth of God's word. We will be fought against, we will come against opposition, and we are ready for it. God has equipped us. We received God's love, we have access to His power, we know His truth, we are advancing!
The church has the power and love within it to change the world - are you a part of it?
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
confident commitment
'But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” '
I love this verse. It displays a confident commitment. It seems defiant. Almost like Joshua is saying, 'whatever you lot do, I'm going to do this anyway!'
Joshua is clear where he stands.
He encourages the rest of Israel to follow his lead by reminding them of all of what God has done. How God has revealed himself to them and rescued them. Ultimately though, Joshua realises he can only be responsible for himself and his family. It's up to each family, each person what they choose to do.
This is not Joshua washing his hands of responsibility, he is still the leader of Israel, n
But even as leaders you cannot force people to do what you want, what you know is best. Each person has their own mind. Our responsibility, like Joshua, is to remind people who God is, remind them of the facts and warn them of a life without him.
Then what?
Then, like Joshua, we lead by example.
Joshua doesn't mind standing out from the crowd. Despite what the rest of the nation may decide to do, he knows where he stands. He has made a confident commitment to the one true God and it doesn't matter what anyone else may; do, say or think.
Sometimes, faith in God will call us to make a stand. Sometimes, we will need to stand out from the crowd and do things differently. Don't be ashamed to let others know why. We shouldn't apologise for our faith, we should stand for it. Joshua gives his reasons and then makes his stand.
We all have a reason for our faith. Sometimes this will mean we do or don't do things the same as everyone else. It will make us stand out and can make us feel uncomfortable, but don't let comfort dictate what you and your family stand for. Don't compromise your beliefs to go along with the crowd. No-one notices you in a crowd, and sometimes that's a nice idea, but how does that demonstrate who you are and what you believe?
There are increasingly more and more stories in the news about how Christians have taken a stand. Sometimes they are held up and ridiculed, but they are standing for what they believe. They realise their lives are about more than money or jobs or whatever else it is they are facing. These people, like Joshua, have made a confident commitment and by their actions they state, 'But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”.
Will you join them? Are you prepared to stand up for what you believe, no compromise? Stand out from the crowd and declare, 'But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”!
Thursday, 10 November 2016
How do we receive God's promises?
"5 The Lord your God will push them back before you and drive them out of your sight. And you shall possess their land, just as the Lord your God promised you. 6 Therefore, be very strong to keep and to do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, turning aside from it neither to the right hand nor to the left, "
God will:
Push back our enemies
Drive them out
Fulfil his promises
We shall:
Possess the land
We must:
Be strong
Keep the law
God has said he will push back our enemies.
God works hard for us, did you know that?
Pushing back enemies takes; time, power, strength, logic and control. God will do all of that for us so that we can have the good stuff.
He will drive out the enemy. Drive them out implies that they are completely out of our lives. They are not welcome, and God can and will take care of that. God will do all this work. He will and does battle for us. He will fight for us, he will defeat our enemies. God keeps all his promises - that means he does everything he ever said he would - do you know anyone else that does that? I sure don't! Everything God says he will do, he will do. Everything he says will happen, will happen.
God has said he WILL remove our enemies, he WILL fight our battles. So, he will!
Then, who or what are our enemies? Enemies can be people. They can also be a whole host of other things including bad habits, or wrong mindsets.
Whatever it is, God has the; time, power, strength, logic and control to overcome them and drive them out.
God is ready. He's prepared, willing and able to fulfil his promises. He will push our enemies back and drive them out. However, it's up to us to keep our part of the bargain.
So what does our part entail?
We MUST, 'be very strong to keep and to do all that is written in the Book of the Law'. Being strong. It doesn't mean we all have to have mighty muscles or be a black belt in martial arts, but we need to be strong.
How are you strong?
Maybe you persevere even when the going gets tough. Maybe you have unshakeable faith. Maybe you have peace in the midst of chaos, in the darkest hours you have hope. These are all ways we can be strong. Whatever is thrown at you in life, keep hold of who you are and who God is, then you will be strong.
Being strong isn't enough though. We've also got to follow the rules. If we are serious about being God's people, we've got to keep the family rules. Rules are there not to limit or harm us, but to protect us and others. They are not easy to keep, but we have responsibility to demonstrate who we are through what we do or do not do.
God promises great things to the obedient and faithful. Are you ready to do what it takes to receive them?
Friday, 4 November 2016
Your allotted land
Their new mission after the wilderness years was to overcome some battles, exert their influence and establish themselves as God's people in the promised land. Then they would be fruitful.
This caused me to think about how God gives us allotments too:
He gives us areas in which to exert our influence.
He gives us battles which we must overcome.
He gives us the opportunity to establish His kingdom where we are.
God has set the size, site and shape of or ministry. He has set the boundaries.
We are to work within these areas doing our everyday thing God's way. By honouring God in what we do, we don't know the influence we have. We don't need to see the impact, but we will make one.
Our areas of ministry also have boundaries. We have areas where we have influence, and here are areas where we won't. We should not be surprised or upset if others have success where we don't. We have a different site to establish. Other people will have different areas where they are successful, and you don't seem to take any ground. Well, that doesn't matter. That's the site allotted to them, not to you.
It may take you time to figure out where and what your allotted area is. You need to discover what 'tribe' we are a part of and get to work. To help you, look around. Whether you like where you live and work or not, God has given that place for you to exert your influence as His people. He may be calling you elsewhere, if he is, then obey His voice. If not, then stick it out. You are God's representative in that place, even if you feel alone. Even if there are great battles that need to be faced, God is with you and will strengthen and uphold you. Don't be afraid. Take the land God has given you.
He has given you authority and the ability to influence in that place. You may not feel like that is true for you, but let me tell you with this; The Israelites had many experiences which caused even outsiders to recognise that God was with them. This caused some people to get together and fight, others melted in fear. This will be the same for you and I. We will meet with opposition, and we will be met with melted hearts. It is our responsibility to demonstrate who God is wherever we are and with whoever we meet.
Saturday, 29 October 2016
Today, I want to let you know about a man called Caleb. This guy is pretty amazing. When we first read about him in scripture, in Numbers 13, he is one of the chosen 12 to spy out the land. The land is the area that God wants Israel to occupy.
Of those that checked out the land only 2 returned who thought it possible for the nation of Israel to conquer it - Caleb and Joshua.
They had seen the same things the other spies had - the people that were big, strong, even giant-like, their cities that were strong and well protected. So, why was Caleb's response different? He wasn't scared off like the others were, he was confident.
He trusted not in his own strength, but in God's. He had faith in God's word and God's power. If we are confident of that in our lives, I wonder what we could do? Caleb's faith was fervent and strong. He didn't doubt God's ability at all. He's spent 40days saying out the land - the land was good, overflowing with good things. The people there, yes, they were strong and looked like they could put up a good fight, but Caleb saw a more powerful, stronger God who could do amazing things with normal weaklings like us. What faith!
Caleb didn't trust in his own strength, or the strength of others, but in God.
As a result of Caleb's trust and bravery - he received a promise from God, "my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully, I will bring into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it." Caleb will own the land he's just entered. Not just him, but his family after him because he has followed God fully, he held nothing back. Now, Caleb was 40 when he received this promise.
Then what happened? The whole nation of Israel, including Caleb wondered the wilderness for 40years!
What? Caleb had this amazing experience, he knew God's plan, and trusted in God's strength but because no-one else did he had to wait for that generation to die out before he had any chance of claiming that promise. Caleb had to wait for 45years to claim the promise God had given him.
45years- now that's patience! Caleb had to wait for longer than he'd actually been alive at that point to receive the prize for his faithfulness, for fully following God. Caleb had another 45 years of continuing to follow God faithfully, of waiting, hoping.
I wonder if he ever questioned if he'd see this promise fulfilled?
We often receive God's promises and hold onto them, delight in them, and then want them right away. Caleb had to wait 45years!!!
Yet, he still held onto the promise, he still fully followed God. We see that in Joshua 14. I bet the two friends probably reminisced about the event, recalling what happened and how God has rewarded them and kept them strong since. Two old men, still fighting for the Lord. Caleb was now 85 yet he is just as strong as he was at 40! He has retained his strength and his confidence in God. He is ready to possess the land and drive out the inhabitants. He knows God is still with him and has sustained him, and he's ready to keep fighting for God.
Reading about Caleb inspires me. Caleb had unswayable, unconventional, undeniable faith in God. God sees his heart, and rewards him for fully following him by giving Caleb an unbelievable promise. Caleb has to remain patient, fervent and faithful though. He must of kept the promise logged in his mind, and got on with life.
Caleb retained the memory of that promise, I'm sure he recalled it from time to time and wondered when it would happen. It doesn't seem that he ever doubted it though. What an incredible, faithful servant.
Then, when the opportunity comes for the promise to be fulfilled, Caleb has to fight for it! The people are still living in the land, so Caleb has to fight to overcome them, at the age of 85! How incredible!
I want to encourage you to remember God's promises and remember that God is with you for the long haul. Our duty is to remain fervent and faithful to Him, to be fully following him, and we will be able to grab the opportunity when God's promises come to fruition. It doesn't mean that when God promises something it will just drop into your lap. Sometimes it will, but you'll probably have to work for it.
God is faithful. Will you be faithful and fully follow him like Caleb did?
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Everyday God
The first moment Joshua records is the miraculous entry into the promised land - crossing the Jordan on dry ground. The next is the wonderful victory of Jericho. The third moment is Israel's defeat at Ai.
Now, what I notice is that in the first circumstance, the crossing of Jordan - the Israelites were in a tricky situation. How on earth was the whole nation meant to get from one side of this flowing river to the other? It wasn't exactly a river they could paddle across. The Israelites had to trust in God to do something, otherwise they were stuck. What other option did they have?
The second time they were probably still buzzing from the high of getting across the river. They heard that the residents of the land were afraid of them, and God told them how to demolish Jericho. Simples. They had God's instructions, followed them and won.
The third scenario, that of Ai - Joshua sent some spies, they checked out the land, saw that there weren't many people so they reckoned it'd be an easy battle. The spies reported back just to send a few of the army. The result? Some Israelites were killed, and the rest ran for their lives.
Do you notice the difference between these situations?
The first situation, the Israelites were beyond themselves.
They could do nothing to remedy their situation, they HAD to rely on God. Nothing in all their strength, knowledge or power could enable them to get across that river. God spoke clearly and they had confidence to follow his instructions.
The Israelites knew there was nothing they could do, so they trusted in God who can do all things.
In the second situation, Israel faced their first battle. They listened to what God said about how to do it. They trusted his advice as they'd just walked across a river bed and entered what God had promised plus they'd never done this before. They were experiencing God moving and knew he wouldn't let them down. So, they followed God and were triumphant.
These first two situations God is obviously present. The third - where was he?
To the Israelites, this third task seemed easy. It looked simple, something that the Israelites could get on with themselves. They had enough strength and power within them, so they could get on with this bit. It seems that God was not consulted or invited into the situation. Why? The Israelites had seen what had been achieved already, they knew the size and strength of their resources and trusted in that. As you read about this scenario in Joshua, there is no mention of God whatsoever. The Israelites had not consulted him about it, they just went ahead and got on with it.
Now, before we judge Israel - we do the same.
When things are impossible for us - we cry out to God - "help me", and we are so grateful and amazed when God does, whether he changes the situation, helps us handle it or does something totally out of the box miraculous - we are amazed and grateful for God's work in our lives.
Once we've seen God's almighty power at work in our lives, we realise we can trust and depend on him. We invite him into our situations, into our battles and successes and celebrate with him.
Then, once we've come through a few things and have had a few experiences we become more confident in our own abilities and think we can handle things ourselves. We can begin to think that we are capable or being independent as we have the strength, skills and knowledge that we need to get on. We rely on ourselves. Where's God?
I know I am guilty of this. I get on with each day pretty confident that I'm going to get to the end of it ok. However maybe I am missing out on some victories because I haven't asked God to come in. Maybe I'm struggling more because I'm doing everything in my own strength. Maybe that's why I'm so tired! Maybe I'm missing out on seeing his blessings in my everyday life.
Could that be the same for you?
Today I invite God into my everyday. Do you?
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
let your enemies hearts melt
'As soon as all the kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan to the west, and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea, heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan for the people of Israel until they had crossed over, their hearts melted and there was no longer any spirit in them because of the people of Israel.'
We should be a fearsome people!
People that the rest of the world doesn't want to mess with because the God of Israel is on our side.
Due to the works of his mighty hand in our lives, the world around us should shake with fear. Our enemies should be quaking in their boots because they do not oppose us, but the one and only fearsome God!
So, why don't they?
Partly I think it's because we don't show who's side we are on, we don't tell and display the works of God in our lives.
'their hearts melted and there was no longer any spirit in them because of the people of Israel.'
Those who oppose you, who oppose God should be quaking in their boots, their hearts should be melting, and their courage should be failing because you are a child of God.
The God who parts waters, who destroys nations and resurrects the dead is YOUR God. If we walked each day secure in the knowledge that this God is with us, then the world would be trembling as it did before the Israelites.
Their journey was a pretty miraculous one, but then, isn't yours too?
Have you changed since God entered your life? Have you achieved things, seen things and experienced things that don't make sense unless God acted? Have you seen God change situations and answer prayers? If your answer is yes to any of these questions then you know that your God is powerful!
We should be walking in this knowledge everyday, unafraid of what the world can bring because God can bring something greater!
The enemy convinces us that we are puny little weaklings with nothing to offer. This would be true if it wasn't for God. God has put his spirit in us, HIS spirit. His spirit was involved in creation, his spirit breathes life, his spirit gives courage, brings healing and provides unbelievable strength.
This is the truth.
Don't let the enemy convince you any longer. The devil is a liar and thief. He will steal your hope, your peace, your joy and even your life if you listen to him.
The enemy is defeated, he no longer reigns.
Look at this passage, the enemies of Israel knew they were in for it, they knew before they even entered into battle that they could not win. Why? Because they saw the almighty power of God working for Israel and 'their hearts melted'! Let your enemies hearts melt, show them your strength in God. Stand for what you believe in and don't back down. Ask God to show his works through you that his name will be glorified and the world shaken by his power.
Remember who's side you are on - We are a fearsome people!
Thursday, 6 October 2016
Set up some stones
He told Joshua what was going to happen, and prepared him for leadership. This wasn't over a matter of days, but over his lifetime. Joshua had served Moses, the great, esteemed leader of Israel. He had faithfully stood by Moses, and followed God through the trials of the 40 years in the wilderness. Joshua had seen; success, failure, disappointment, victory, provision and lack. He had seen God's love and faithfulness for his people and Joshua had trusted God even when others were afraid.
Joshua was being prepared. His character moulded into the next leader that Israel would need.
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Be strong and courageous
When I think of Joshua, I think of this phrase, 'be strong and courageous'. God instructs him many times to be strong and courageous. Sometimes we need to hear something more than once. In the end, Joshua gets it, and he instructs the people the same, 'be strong and courageous'.
God doesn't tell Joshua that he IS strong or courageous, but, 'BE strong and courageous'. It recalls to my mind the phrase, 'fake it til you make it'.
Sometimes you've got to walk in something, put on an act of having certain characteristics, til, after enough practice, you become like that. Joshua had plenty of opportunities to act brave and courageous. He had to lead an entire nation after their leader had died. Not only did he have to lead them, but he had to take them somewhere they'd never been, and had to lead them in battles with people they'd never met. No wonder God instructed him to be strong and courageous! Joshua had no idea what he was walking into, but God did!
Each time God tells Moses to, 'be strong and courageous', (Joshua chapter 1) the phrases are part of a sentence. They are not stand alone. Firstly God promises, 'as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.'
God's instruction to Joshua comes attached with a promise. A promise that as Joshua acts strong and courageous, God will be with him. There is a depth of companionship and loyalty that only God can and will give. Whatever you are called to, 'be strong and courageous' in, God will be with you, always.
Secondly, God advises, 'being careful to do according to all the law'. Success can be conditional to obedience. If you obey in strength and courage, and follow God's advice, it will go well. It will still be a battle, but you will move forward., you will be taking ground.
The reason to be strong and courageous, and obedient is emphasised in the third occurrence, 'Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.'
God is with you. Not in a scary, 'big brother is watching you' kind of way, but because He cares for you, and wants to support you in what you're doing and where your going. He knows this life is tough and full of battles, so He will be with you in them.
The command, 'be strong and courageous' is not a suggestion, it's an instruction. Sometimes in life you've gotta ride the storm, do what is out of your comfort zone and head into battle. That's when we need to be strong and courageous.
Being strong makes me think that it's being clear and firm with what your values are. What is it you're representing and what's the purpose of the conflict/battle/situation you're in? Make sure you're certain and do cannot waver. God is with you, make sure what you stand for is in obedience to Him.
Courageous is acting it out. Even when opposition comes, when you're tired, bruised and broken, courageously continue to fight for those values that you hold dear. Don't let yourself be weakened because it's hard, or it looks like you're failing. Be strong and courageous.
If you know God is leading you, you will enter the promised land. It won't then all be easy, because once you're there, there will still be things to overcome, but you know you're going in the right direction.