Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Dealing with the fallout

After these things, when the anger of King Ahasuerus had abated, he remembered Vashti and what she had done and what had been decreed against her. 
 Esther 2:1

The problem with responding in anger is that you often regret your decision afterwards. The king clearly regrets his, yet he knows there’s no going back. Even if the king had wanted to return to his relationship with Vashti, and was able to overcome the new laws and his own pride, would Vashti have accepted?

Highly-charged emotional reactions, whether made in excitement or anger, effect more than our own lives, they effect relationships and possibly the choices we have in the future. It’s not only that, but everyone touched by our decisions has to bear the consequences and you can never truly go back to how things were before. Once words are spoken they cannot be unsaid and actions taken cannot be undone. That’s what Ahasuerus was finding out. It takes but a moment to break a relationship and it can take years to restore one, maybe even a lifetime.

Even if you are forgiven and never discuss the event again, the pain and memory still exist and trust has been damaged, sadly there’s no rewind button in life where you can just redo the scene again.

In this situation with Ahasuerus and Vashti, things are too far gone to be repaired. She has been banished from his presence, so even if they wanted to, they cannot get back together and work things out. It is sad isn’t it. There are ways to avoid this happening for yourself, ways to avoid the loneliness and the fallout, is there a change you need to make today? Is there a relationship in your life that needs restoration? Is there someone you need to forgive? And if you’re not sure how to get started, pray.

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