6*Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6.
Jesus is the Life. Life is an interesting word to define, even dictionaries seem to struggle with it. Some simply explaining that it is the period between birth and death, others describe it as a quality that makes things different to inanimate objects. The most scientific meaning tells us that life is the ability of an organism to metabolise, grow, reproduce and respond to stimuli. This is the dictionary definition of what life is, but, is that ALL that life is?
Is that really the 'life' that Jesus is talking about here? Jesus says he IS 'the life", surely we could all say we have life if it is simply the act of being alive? So clearly Jesus must be speaking about something more to existence than metabolising or not being dead yet. Life has more to it than our next breath, the next heartbeat or reflexive response. It has more depth, more purpose, more adventure and this can be found when we take up Jesus’ offer of life. Jesus is inviting us into an existence where we truly live through understanding that he is the life that has freed us from the death we deserve due to sin.
As we read these verses we need to remember that Jesus was speaking to his disciples, we read them as a record of conversation. So in this passage, Jesus is talking to people who already have the dictionary definition of life. Therefore he is not just saying he is giving them that, Jesus was speaking to people who were already alive, so he must be offering them something more to life than they can experience without him in it. Later on in the same book of John we read that Jesus promised,’I have come that you may have life in all its fullness’. (John 10:10). The fullness of life is what Jesus offers. Not just having breath and the basic functions of life, but ‘fullness’.
Are you living a, ‘life in all its fullness’? Not a life that is just full; full of stuff, things, events, people, duties, work, but a ‘life in all its fullness’?
The life Jesus gives us has a sense of completeness and satisfaction, not of striving or constant discontent. One that has enough whether in wealth or poverty, a; contented, secure, growing and developing life. A life that has more to base its trust on than the; current economic climate, weather, people or job security. The life Jesus offers is an invitation to discover what your existence is about, your identity and purpose. A life in all its fullness is a life that is full because Jesus is in it and that is your confidence. Is this your experience?
A life in all its fullness begins when you accept that Jesus is offering you a new life by being restored to God. Putting God first In your existence means that you can really live. Jesus demonstrated what being the 'life' was. He showed the way and the truth of life lived with God. His life was certainly full! Most of the things we read and know about Jesus happened in a short period of 3 years - the stories and teaching we can still hear and read about show that Jesus certainly had an adventure when his ministry began! He lived and demonstrated 'the life'. Jesus lived with a God first mentality, and he invites you to do the same. It is through Jesus that you can really live as a child restored to God the Father strengthened by the Holy Spirit. If you are not sure what that life involves then i encourage you to read about Jesus - see what his Earthly existence was like, what his character showed and what he taught. He knows life is more than being not dead, it has purpose, it has love and it can be full. Do you know that kind of life?
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