Monday, 23 January 2023

The truth

6Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:6.

Here Jesus is telling us a few things about who he is, last week we looked at him being the way, this week we are going to ponder the fact that Jesus claims to be 'the truth' as well. 

If we consider this statement that Jesus is 'the truth', then this means that truth has existed before the world began as Jesus also existed. Before creation, truth existed. Truth is also found in a person, not as a concept or quality. In the first chapter of this book of John, Jesus is also described as being ‘the word’ that created and spoke into being all things, therefore truth was evident and in existence then, right from the very start of all we know. Truth was present in Jesus, and through his words.Truth has existed for longer than the world that we are dependent on, In fact, Jesus and truth have actually been the foundation of all of these things. Truth is found in Jesus and through his words.  

Jesus came to Earth as a human and so became the embodiment of truth, revealing who God is. When he came to Earth as a human, Jesus revealed the truth about who he is and who his Father is. Whatever traits we see in Jesus, we can know that Father God has the same. 

Therefore, if we want to live honest, truth-filled lives, and as Jesus is the truth, surely we need to learn to understand the world around us through him. Otherwise we are not living in truth, are we? If Jesus is the truth and the creator of all that is around us, then it makes sense to try to appreciate all that life entails through the one who made it. When we do we are able to put things into the right context. If we remove Jesus from our thinking, then how are we approaching the situations, people and the world each and every day? If Jesus is truth and we decline to live with him, then what are we living with? How are we assessing the things and people we encounter?

There are many things in this world that vie for our attention and that claim to be true, just and right, but do you take time to test these things and see if they aline with who Jesus is, what he taught and represents? Others’ arguments, values and experiences may be strong and persuasive but does what they are bringing agrees with scripture which is true? Do you stop to reflect and ask yourself if Jesus would have had those theories, acted in that way or taught these things? If you know he wouldn’t then you know that these things are not based in the ultimate truth. 

It may be that the words spoken by Jesus are hard to understand, or difficult to take onboard, but it doesn’t mean that they are wrong. Just because things may be hard to accept and live, doesn’t mean that they are irrelevant, should be ignored or are simply untrue. It just means that we don't like it. 

Jesus, and truth have existed before this planet and before time. Surely that is something dependable, reliable and certain that you can build your life upon. After all, the theories and ideas of man last a season, change frequently and eventually are often discarded and mocked. Yet, Jesus the Son of God, has outlasted them all. The truth has lived, has created this Earth and walked this Earth, and is still alive, living with His Father in heaven. Do you live with that truth in your life? 

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