Monday 29 July 2024

Do not let situations dictate your faith, but let your faith dictate how you handle any situation!

 Psalm 43:1–5 (ESV): 

1 Vindicate me, O God, and defend my cause 

against an ungodly people, 

from the deceitful and unjust man 

deliver me! 

2  For you are the God in whom I take refuge; 

why have you rejected me? 

Why do I go about mourning 

because of the oppression of the enemy? 

3  Send out your light and your truth; 

let them lead me; 

let them bring me to your holy hill 

and to your dwelling! 

4  Then I will go to the altar of God, 

to God my exceeding joy, 

and I will praise you with the lyre, 

O God, my God. 

5  Why are you cast down, O my soul, 

and why are you in turmoil within me? 

Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, 

my salvation and my God. 

This psalm is rather similar to the previous one and ends with exactly the same verse therefore it is reasonable to assume that they have the same author, most probably David. As both of these psalms also reference sorrow, harassment and a desire to be in God’s presence it makes sense for them both to be attributed to the same circumstances and author.

As mentioned, this psalmist is suffering. Due to this they have considered their predicament, evaluating his own heart and actions in the process and wondered if he has erred or sinned.  After examining himself, he clearly finds nothing deserving of discipline or punishment and so his first words of this psalm are 'vindicate me'. Only someone who is innocent can be vindicated as this word means to prove righteousness, and so the author must have reason to be assured of their integrity and innocence. Yet what this person is experiencing right now seems punishment. Have you ever encountered a time when you have felt unfairly treated? Or when you are punished for something you haven't done? It is easy in those times to fight back and become adamant and indignant in your self-righteousness, and who can blame you? It is unjust and unfair. However this writer, although he knows he does not deserve this discomfort and pain, he calls upon God to support and clear his name. He does not blame God or take matters into his own hands, but trusts and relies on God to, 'defend my cause'. This in itself must have been painful! To not retaliate, to not fight his own corner, the internal conflict is real. Instead this psalmist has considered and concluded that this battle is not his, but God's. As a man of God who has done his best to live right, he calls upon God to vindicate and rescue him. The author knows that God can work out things better than he can. They know God can give; vindication, refuge, rescue, restoration, joy, truth, guidance, hope and salvation. What could they do that would offer a better result?! When you are caught in a battle, or in a situation in which you are an innocent suffering party, assess your own actions first, then know and trust can and will vindicate and defend you too. If you need; refuge, rescue, salvation, joy, truth, guidance and hope, you can call upon and trust in Him to redeem the situation in a way that cannot be achieved any other way, and it is worth waiting for. 

It is horrible to have to go through and endure these things, this psalmist understands, and seems to be reminding himself that he is alright with God and can rely on him even when he is surrounded by difficulty, feels stuck and ‘cast down’. Have you ever felt like that? If so, then you, like this writer, probably need to remind yourself of the truth of who God is and what He can do.

Difficult times can cloud over your heart and mind and cause you to start to believe in the lies and disaster around you rather than continuing to hope in God. Once you start to remember the truth of who you are and who God is as well as what you can expect from Him - you have already won! Changing your mindset is half the battle. This psalmist has begun to walk in victory already by trusting in the character and nature of God. You have the opportunity to do the same when you meet trials. When circumstances can no longer dictate your mental or emotional state. and you learn to depend on and honour God no matter what, you are victorious! You are just waiting for the final triumph and vindication to come, for restoration to arrive and light and truth to reveal the reality. You are already victorious and vindicated so you can live with that mindset even as suffer. During the tough times continue to praise and honour God. Be inspired to hope when everything feels oppressive, disastrous and difficult. Remember who you are to God, and who He is and what He has done already. 

You have God on your side even if everyone else around you abandons you or turns against you. You can, along with David encourage yourself to, ‘Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God’. Do not let situations dictate your faith, but let your faith dictate how you handle any situation!

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