Monday 1 July 2024

I will guard my mouth with a muzzle


Psalm 39:1–13 (ESV):  

1  I said, “I will guard my ways, 

that I may not sin with my tongue; 

I will guard my mouth with a muzzle, 

so long as the wicked are in my presence.” 

2  I was mute and silent; 

I held my peace to no avail, 

and my distress grew worse. 

3  My heart became hot within me. 

As I mused, the fire burned; 

then I spoke with my tongue: 

4  “O Lord, make me know my end 

and what is the measure of my days; 

let me know how fleeting I am! 

5  Behold, you have made my days a few handbreadths, 

and my lifetime is as nothing before you. 

Surely all mankind stands as a mere breath! Selah 

6  Surely a man goes about as a shadow! 

Surely for nothing they are in turmoil; 

man heaps up wealth and does not know who will gather! 

7  “And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? 

My hope is in you. 

8  Deliver me from all my transgressions. 

Do not make me the scorn of the fool! 

9  I am mute; I do not open my mouth, 

for it is you who have done it. 

10  Remove your stroke from me; 

I am spent by the hostility of your hand. 

11  When you discipline a man 

with rebukes for sin, 

you consume like a moth what is dear to him; 

surely all mankind is a mere breath! Selah 

12  “Hear my prayer, O Lord, 

and give ear to my cry; 

hold not your peace at my tears! 

For I am a sojourner with you, 

a guest, like all my fathers. 

13  Look away from me, that I may smile again, 

before I depart and am no more!” 

Clearly, David is experiencing another time of distress, and it is a time when he is adamant not to discuss his frustration with other people. So he is enforcing himself to be, 'mute and silent’. This is a powerful and tremendously difficult thing to do. The natural, and most common thing for people to do when they are unhappy and annoyed is to share their situation; moan, whinge, rant or cry. So David does something very unusual by vowing to be silent whilst the 'wicked' were within earshot. David was suffering as he was pondering life. He seems to have sinned as he speaks about God's rebukes and discipline, and this has got him considering the brevity of life. He does not want his words and concerns to be misconstrued by others and so he resolves to be quiet about the internal disturbance he is dealing with. He decides to, ‘guard my ways’, ‘not sin with my tongue’ and ‘guard my mouth with a muzzle’. David really restricted himself didn't he?! These phrases sound harsh and painful! You can sense the frustration David feels and also the level of internal discomfort he is feeling. David disciplined himself and was strict with himself with what he said and to whom he said it. This is a sign of wisdom. 

Being able to discern how, when, if and with whom a matter needs to be discussed takes a lot of consideration. David recognised that his words could cause a negative impact if he used them wrongly, and as he was feeling confused and frustrated with life, he knew expressing that to other people would effect the faith they had in God. So, David forced his mouth shut. He knew the power of his words. He saw that speaking without consideration and talking to the wrong audience can cause sin and damage. As a man of God and as a king, he wisely considered how to manage his thoughts, fears and feelings as expressing these to the wrong kind of people could cause untold damage to the kingdom of Israel as well as the kingdom of God. The same is true of you. Your words, or lack of them can impact the community you are apart of and the kingdom you represent. What does the way you deal with disappointment, discipline or frustration communicate about you and the God you believe in?

David fought to be electively silent. 

He found this incredibly difficult and frustrating. Do you also know the strain and pain of restraint? David muzzled himself because he was more concerned about being innocent before the ‘wicked’ and not dishonouring God than relieving his mind and emotions. So he patiently waited for the appropriate place,  time and audience. David waited until he could pour out all his thoughts, fears, emotions and pain before God. He knew the only one that could help, that could comfort, that could bring reassurance and relief was God, and so he waited until he could safely and honestly share his suffering with Him. David held this uncomfortable and painful silence so that he did not dishonour himself or God. He was aware that there were people around him, watching and listening that were ‘wicked’ and he did not want to share his anger or suffering in front of them or for them to overhear his musings and agitations. They could misuse the information to defame David or God and so David 'burned' as he guarded his mouth. His ‘distress grew worse' yet he remained adamant in his vow of silence over the matters of his mind. He was unable to explain or alleviate his mind until he had a chance to speak with God. Is this what you do when you have a burdening heart and a distressed mind? Are you able to be, 'mute and silent' awaiting for a chance to speak to God even when anger and confusion seem to burn inside of you? It takes a great deal of self-discipline to do so. It is hard, and it is painful, yet it can be to your ultimate benefit and to the benefit of God's kingdom.

We can learn from this psalm several things:

  • You can sin with your words. So learning to guard your mouth as David did is essential for your righteousness. It is important that you consider your words and not just speak on a whim or out of anger. At times it is better to ‘burn’ inside with anger and frustration than speak out and cause damage to; others, yourself and to offend God. 
  • Sharing your emotions is important, but it needs to be done in the right manner and with the right audience. God can hear and bear all of your fear, frustrations, joy, happiness and anger. He is the One who can come and comfort and can change circumstances and ease your mind. Therefore you need to consider who you share your burdens with. 
  • Keeping your deepest thoughts and feelings between you and God is ok. In fact it is the best idea!  He will always take time to listen and he understands your heart. Therefore you can share your internal turbulence with Him no matter what it is. If you share your concerns and frustrations with others, some will use what you say to think badly of God and your faith. Some will give you terrible advice and some will not understand but may gossip about your turmoil rather than assisting you in it. Therefore when you are in turmoil consider if you too should take a vow of silence on the matter as David did. Before speaking to others, talk to God and ask Him if there are people of faith that you can trust and share your concerns with.
  • Silence can be more powerful than words. It takes a lot of discipline and self-control to not talk of your worries and frustrations. David's silence must have been noted especially as he was in a state of distress, but he knew it was the right course of action for the situation he was in. He knew others could misconstrue his words or dishonour God if he talked to them, so he kept a powerful, God-honouring silence. He did not defend himself or God, but struggled on. When people go through trying seasons without grumbling, it demonstrates an incredible strength.

David knew no-one could assist him with some of his internal struggles, only God. The same is true for you. As, who else holds the answers to life? Who else can explain the purpose of our own lives? 

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