Monday, 30 January 2023

The Life

6*Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:6.

Jesus is the Life. Life is an interesting word to define, even dictionaries seem to struggle with it. Some simply explaining that it is the period between birth and death, others describe it as a quality that makes things different to inanimate objects. The most scientific meaning tells us that life is the ability of an organism to metabolise, grow, reproduce and respond to stimuli. This is the dictionary definition of what life is, but, is that ALL that life is? 

Is that really the 'life' that Jesus is talking about here? Jesus says he IS 'the life", surely we could all say we have life if it is simply the act of being alive? So clearly Jesus must be speaking about something more to existence than metabolising or not being dead yet. Life has more to it than our next breath, the next heartbeat or reflexive response. It has more depth, more purpose, more adventure and this can be found when we take up Jesus’ offer of life. Jesus is inviting us into an existence where we truly live through understanding that he is the life that has freed us from the death we deserve due to sin.

As we read these verses we need to remember that Jesus was speaking to his disciples, we read them as a record of conversation. So in this passage, Jesus is talking to people who already have the dictionary definition of life. Therefore he is not just saying he is giving them that, Jesus was speaking to people who were already alive, so he must be offering them something more to life than they can experience without him in it. Later on in the same book of John we read that Jesus promised,’I have come that you may have life in all its fullness’. (John 10:10). The fullness of life is what Jesus offers. Not just having breath and the basic functions of life, but ‘fullness’. 

Are you living a, ‘life in all its fullness’? Not a life that is just full; full of stuff, things, events, people, duties, work, but a ‘life in all its fullness’? 

The life Jesus gives us has a sense of completeness and satisfaction, not of striving or constant discontent. One that has enough whether in wealth or poverty, a; contented, secure, growing and developing life. A life that has more to base its trust on than the; current economic climate, weather, people or job security. The life Jesus offers is an invitation to discover what your existence is about, your identity and purpose. A life in all its fullness is a life that is full because Jesus is in it and that is your confidence. Is this your experience? 

A life in all its fullness begins when you accept that Jesus is offering you a new life by being restored to God. Putting God first In your existence means that you can really live. Jesus demonstrated what being the 'life' was. He showed the way and the truth of life lived with God. His life was certainly full! Most of the things we read and know about Jesus happened in a short period of 3 years - the stories and teaching we can still hear and read about show that Jesus certainly had an adventure when his ministry began! He lived and demonstrated 'the life'. Jesus lived with a God first mentality, and he invites you to do the same. It is through Jesus that you can really live as a child restored to God the Father strengthened by the Holy Spirit. If you are not sure what that life involves then i encourage you to read about Jesus - see what his Earthly existence was like, what his character showed and what he taught. He knows life is more than being not dead, it has purpose, it has love and it can be full. Do you know that kind of life?

Monday, 23 January 2023

The truth

6Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:6.

Here Jesus is telling us a few things about who he is, last week we looked at him being the way, this week we are going to ponder the fact that Jesus claims to be 'the truth' as well. 

If we consider this statement that Jesus is 'the truth', then this means that truth has existed before the world began as Jesus also existed. Before creation, truth existed. Truth is also found in a person, not as a concept or quality. In the first chapter of this book of John, Jesus is also described as being ‘the word’ that created and spoke into being all things, therefore truth was evident and in existence then, right from the very start of all we know. Truth was present in Jesus, and through his words.Truth has existed for longer than the world that we are dependent on, In fact, Jesus and truth have actually been the foundation of all of these things. Truth is found in Jesus and through his words.  

Jesus came to Earth as a human and so became the embodiment of truth, revealing who God is. When he came to Earth as a human, Jesus revealed the truth about who he is and who his Father is. Whatever traits we see in Jesus, we can know that Father God has the same. 

Therefore, if we want to live honest, truth-filled lives, and as Jesus is the truth, surely we need to learn to understand the world around us through him. Otherwise we are not living in truth, are we? If Jesus is the truth and the creator of all that is around us, then it makes sense to try to appreciate all that life entails through the one who made it. When we do we are able to put things into the right context. If we remove Jesus from our thinking, then how are we approaching the situations, people and the world each and every day? If Jesus is truth and we decline to live with him, then what are we living with? How are we assessing the things and people we encounter?

There are many things in this world that vie for our attention and that claim to be true, just and right, but do you take time to test these things and see if they aline with who Jesus is, what he taught and represents? Others’ arguments, values and experiences may be strong and persuasive but does what they are bringing agrees with scripture which is true? Do you stop to reflect and ask yourself if Jesus would have had those theories, acted in that way or taught these things? If you know he wouldn’t then you know that these things are not based in the ultimate truth. 

It may be that the words spoken by Jesus are hard to understand, or difficult to take onboard, but it doesn’t mean that they are wrong. Just because things may be hard to accept and live, doesn’t mean that they are irrelevant, should be ignored or are simply untrue. It just means that we don't like it. 

Jesus, and truth have existed before this planet and before time. Surely that is something dependable, reliable and certain that you can build your life upon. After all, the theories and ideas of man last a season, change frequently and eventually are often discarded and mocked. Yet, Jesus the Son of God, has outlasted them all. The truth has lived, has created this Earth and walked this Earth, and is still alive, living with His Father in heaven. Do you live with that truth in your life? 

Monday, 16 January 2023

The Way

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. *2*In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? *3*And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. *4*And you know the way to where I am going.” *5*Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” *6*Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:1–6.

Jesus is ‘the way’. 

The way. This implies there is only one way, a particular one. There are not a multitude of ways or directions one can go, just one, in order to reach God. That way is Jesus. Jesus is the direction, the path to follow, the way to travel. It is like he is a giant signpost revealing the direction to travel in, and he models and demonstrates that way throughout his existence.

So, if Jesus is 'the way' -Where is he going?

Jesus is showing us the way to the Father - the way to be restored to God. Sin, wrongdoing, our own selfishness have all resulted in a broken relationship between us and God. Jesus came to reveal that there is a way in which that relationship can be restored, and that there are not lots of solutions; only one. There are no other routes to reconciliation with God. 

Only one person could have created the way for us to find the path to relationship again, and that is God’s own son, Jesus. Before him there was no pathway or free access to God. Jesus created an avenue for us to follow because only he could. He, as the perfect, faultless, sin-free, holy lamb of God sacrificed himself on the altar of sin so that all sin can finally be atoned for for all time. No-one else could have done that - only the set apart sinless son of God could. We cannot get in favour with God any other way. No matter how good you try to be, how generous and kind and self-sacrificial you are - it is still not enough. No amount of 'niceness' makes up for all the wrong. 

Sin deserves death - that's the only way to completely get rid of it, so that is what Jesus did. He took all sin upon himself and killed it. That was the only way. That is the only path to obliterating sin from our lives, by killing it. We have to do nothing more than accept that Jesus has done that for us. That is why he is 'the way' because he removed the barrier of sin between us and God, and now provides a pathway to Him. Jesus became the way out and the way to something else. 

If you follow Jesus today, then he will take you through forgiveness, past guilt and shame, and show you the Father. The more you get to know Jesus, the more you will know God. You can have access to heaven and a relationship with God that you don’t deserve, because Jesus has made a path to Him. 

This is the way made known to us (v4). Are you following it? Or are you going in your own direction? Any other way will not lead to God. So, if it doesn’t lead to God, where is it going? You can decide today which path you want to follow. 

Jesus showed us what going his was was like. It was not easy, but it did result in a loving, dependent relationship with the Father. Will you follow his way? 

Monday, 9 January 2023

why is unity important?

 When Brothers Dwell in Unity


A Song of Ascents. Of David. 

*1* Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! 

*2* It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron,  running down on the collar of his robes! 

*3* It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore. 

This psalm tells us how ‘good and pleasant it is’ when we experience unity with people who are our brothers (and sisters) in faith. If you are a believer in Jesus, then you are a member of God’s family, just as many others are. Therefore you are instructed to 'dwell in unity' with those of the same faith.

In order to explore this concept if unity, we must firstly remember that unity is not sameness. This verse does not want us all to be the same, but does want us to share the same faith and acknowledge that we are joined together (unified) through God. We are different individuals intrinsically linked together through faith in Jesus Christ thus becoming one church, one family. This acknowledgement leads to expectations of how we behave to one another and how we express this unity. Every family has its expectations of how we treat one another, God's family is no different.The Bible is full of stories and instructions in how to relate to God and one another because God wants His family unified. 

One fundamental way we can express unity with other believers is to gather with them regularly. It is difficult to be united with others unless you are meeting with them! Belonging to a community of believers where you all love, follow and depend on Jesus, and share lives with one another - this is where unity can be seen and worked out. When you gather together with Christ at the centre, then we can all grow together in faith and unity. 

If you are already a regular attender with a group of believers, there are other ways we can also contribute to unity, such as; helping one another, teaching, helping, leading, listening, giving, sharing testimonies and prophecies, praying, talking and listening to people, worshipping freely, sharing words and encouragements with others, speaking well of other believers, not gossiping, correcting wrong thinking and having fun together. Unity is not passive, but an active contribution to the family of God and it requires everyone to take part. 

What can you do to hep grow unity amongst the community of believers?

When we do our best be unified, it is like an anointing (v2-3). Anointing with oil was a blessing and a symbol of being set apart for God’s purposes, being uniquely His. Just as Aaron was anointed as high priest, so we can be anointed and blessed by being unified with others who believe in God through Jesus. The anointing oil was always intended for the head, but it is not confined to the head - it runs through the beard, and onto the collar and over the clothes as described in v2. Therefore the blessing of the anointing is so abundant that it lavishly and generously runs over. It can be seen, and experienced by others, and can bless us in ways beyond our imagining. Unity, like the oil is precious and gives off a pleasing aroma, a fragrance that can be detected by any who come near. It is an attractive and lovely thing even to those who do not yet know Christ. It is tangible and seen by those around you. 

Unity is also like the dew (v3) - it refreshes, refills and refuels faith in others. It brings life, joy and hope. Unity makes a positive difference to the terrain around it, naturally bringing refreshing and life. The two mountains mentioned are known for their productivity because of the amount of moisture they have. They are refreshing and fruitful, providing nourishment for not just themselves, but feeding into rivers and fields to provide nourishment and growth. If we can work together to be unified in faith then we too can provide refreshment, nourishment and life to the world around us. Doesn’t that make unity amongst believers something worth working for? What can be your role in building unity amongst believers?

God promises that He, ‘has commanded the blessing, life forevermore’ when ‘brothers dwell together in unity’. Do you want to receive the commanded blessing of God? If so, then you need to strive for unity. God has ordered that there will be a blessing if we do so.

Monday, 2 January 2023

Psalm 127 - part 2

In part 1 of this psalm, we looked at the first two verses, today will will be focussing on v3-5. With the recollection that labouring, watching and toiling without God is all in vain;

 A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon. 

*1* Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. 

*2* It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep. 

*3* Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. 

*4* Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. 

*5* Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate. 

After the initial 2 verses showing us that working hard, worrying and looking out for others is pointless if God is not in it, Solomon then speaks about children. I think it is appropriate that Solomon tells us about the everyday things of life that we can worry about before he gets onto talking us about kids. Most of the time they are the aspect of life that parents worry about most! Therefore we need good practice at trusting God with the other things before we can even consider handing over our children to God. I think that is why this psalm is ordered that way - by first telling us that worrying about work, finances and safety is all in vain if God is there, before speaking into raising children. We have got to get our security in God in  those things first before we can even entertain the thought that our children can be entrusted to God because that is much harder to do. We need the very real practice of trusting God. When we can trust God for our future, work, rest and protection rather than our own abilities and hard work, and we have seen Him be faithful in those, then we can begin to entertain the idea that He can be trusted with our children too. It is easy to say that we trust God with all of these things, but it is very difficult to actually do. 

Verse 3 clearly tells us that children are a blessing. Sometimes we know that, other times we forget it! Children are in fact a, ‘heritage from the Lord’ - what an amazing statement! The word heritage is about having an ‘individual possession’ or an ‘allotted portion’. Children are ‘allotted to us ‘from the Lord’. They are not really ours, but we get to share life with them and guide them. Children are entrusted to us by God as a part of our life. We have part-ownership in our kids, not full ownership as we sometimes mistakenly believe. God has shown me this recently when things have been incredibly difficult, and i have told Him that i cannot do it. I cannot parent this child and i do not know what to do. God clearly told me 'give them to me then'. It was then i remembered this very thing; our children are not really ours. They were always God's first. I was battling, stressing and worrying (in vain!) when it is not fully my responsibility to do so, as these children are ‘allotted to us. We have part-ownership and we can go wrong and get stressed out when we forget and try to fix it all ourselves. That is what i was trying to do. I was praying and asking for guidance and at my wits end, so i was trusting God, but I wasn't handing over to Him. Does that make sense? Sometimes we can hold on too tight. We feel the full responsibility, but we were never meant to carry it by ourselves. It can be easy to pray and know that God is present even when things are falling apart, but then comes the reality that we need to give up trying to fix things and let God do it. That is where i was and it is scary and painful realising that you are not enough, but it gives God a chance to work and show what he can do. It is also a massive relief when you are able to emotionally do that. Remember that children are an, 'heritage from the Lord'. We can easily forget that and mistakenly believe that they are ours. Yet we share part-ownership. God is also invested and involved in the lives of our kids, and sometimes we need to let go and let Him influence, guide and guard. 

‘Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.’ A warrior knows how to use his arrows. He takes care of them, protects them and refines them before he sets them loose. As a parent or influential adult in a young person's life, you can invest in guiding and refining them. The purpose of an arrow is to fly. A warrior does all he can to ensure it flies straight and hits the mark. That is our responsibility too - Children will one day fly - what are you directing them to when they do? 

One thing I often say as a parent is, “if my kids have got hold of who God is in their lives then I know they will be alright.” It doesn’t mean their lives will be easy or straight forward, but it does mean that their souls will be well. If our children know they have access to and can have a relationship with God, then they can handle life well. No matter what happens. So, it is my duty as a parent to do my best to model a good relationship with God and invite them into it and let them know they can have the same. To me, this is ensuring that the arrows fly well. Our children have purpose, meaning and a direction in life to follow. Our responsibility is to help, encourage and 'train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it' (proverbs 22:6). What great comfort that is.

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Psalm 127 - part 1

As you enter a new year, have you thought about what are you worried about this coming year? Are you concerned for your family? Your community? Your nation? Your life? finances? security? Work? 

Take comfort as you read the following psalm;


A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon. 

*1* Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. 

*2* It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep. 

If you are starting off the year worried, pause to consider, are you letting God build into your life? Or are you striving under your own power and inspiration? 

‘Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain’. It may be something good or positive that you are trying to build, but is God in it? Is He in command and are you doing the part He wants you to? If not, then you are basically wasting your time. Going round in stressful circles and not achieving much. God wants to be allowed to take the stress, the time frames, the projections, hopes and aspirations and show you what He can do. You don’t need to do it all or try to fix everything. For God knows what will succeed and what will fail, so surely it is a good idea to get His take on things. If you are fed up of your, ‘labour in vain’, then why not invite God into what you are trying to build and see what He can do with it all. As you begin this year, before you make those resolutions, why not take time to consider is it in vain, or is God helping and motivating you? 

It may not be work, finance or making something in life that you’re concerned about, what about safety and security? The same goes for those aspects of life too. God is the best watchman - He doesn’t fall asleep or get distracted. A watchman looks out and spots trouble coming, checking the security and safety of what they have responsibility for. God can be a watchman for you. It doesn’t mean that trouble is going to disappear, but you can rest assured that God is there watching and expecting. Therefore you can rest. You can relax and rest as eventhough you do not know what is going to happen, you can have the assurance that God does and He is ready and waiting. There is no point losing sleep over the things that you are worried about but can do nothing to change, instead ask God to watch over the things that concern you. Having sleepless nights and troubled thoughts is in vain - it doesn’t change anything other than the fact you will be tired and grumpy! How about this year, give yourself a break from stress and worry and hand things over to the faithful watchman who can guide, protect and look after each person that you care  about.

Oh, v2, I am sure many will be living this right now, ‘anxious toil’. Christmas is known as a time when many overspend, and January a time when people regret it. In the world at present it is also a time of financial uncertainty, increased bills, unknown income. A time when people look at their bank balance and wonder how on earth they are going to be at zero at the end of the month let alone have money leftover. Yet here in v2, we are clearly told not to worry and stress about it. We can work ourselves into ‘anxious toil’, trying to burn the candle at both ends just trying to make ends meet, puzzling over the bank balance or working hard to try and earn a bit more, the reality is even then we don’t always manage to make it work. What does working like that achieve? Anxiety, tiredness, stress, sickness; ‘anxious toil’. This verse tells us it is futile. Instead we can know rest and sleep even when we are concerned about work, bills etc.

How? By knowing that you are ‘his beloved’ and He wants to give you a break. If you are one of God’s children, then you are his beloved, and as someone dearly loved and cared for, you can trust that God has got it all in hand. He can give you rest from anxiety and toil when you really trust Him. Know who you are to Him, then that will give you peace and comfort. Your situation may not change, but when you trust God to love you, then you will find rest. Not just sleep, but the rest you need from the stresses and strains of life too. 

These first 2 verses show that there is nothing too big for God. He can handle your dreams, your prospects, your household, family, work life, finances, safety and protection. God can take care of all of it. Are you trusting Him to?