Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Shaky Servant


The faith of Abraham’s servant is quite astounding. He is faithful to Abraham, and totally respects the faith Abraham has, acknowledging something significant about ‘the God of my master Abraham’

Although, at the beginning of Genesis chapter 24 the servant seems overwhelmed by the task his master is giving him, the servant has trust enough in Abraham and God to do as Abraham asks. 

The servant even prays a bit of an outrageous prayer (ever done that?!). Then he sits there, I believe, in awe-struck silence, as his prayer is answered straight away right in front of his eyes. 

We can see from the text that he was clearly stunned, he and questioned whether it was really that easy the task he had been sent on. He knew it shouldn’t be. He had started the journey with many questions and concerns. Yet he still stepped out in nervous faith, more carried along by the faith of Abraham and his obedience to him. It was then that his own faith grew. 

As we read more about the unravelling of this story, the servant honestly retells the events to those listening, and they acknowledge, “the thing has come from the Lord”

As the servant sees that God indeed is with him, he worships, he recognises that it’s not anything of his own self that deserves this situation to work out as it has. He knows he has been sent by a God-filled man, and he humbly continues with his mission having seen what God has already achieved through his obedience. 

I love this story because I see the humility of this servant whose name isn’t even mentioned.  He doesn’t know if he really believes in this God, as he refers to Him as, ‘the God of my master Abraham’. The servant is obedient even though the task set before him stretches him and demands something unusual. His obedience to the faith-filled Abraham is ultimately what leads him to begin to understand that there really is a God, and that this God is significant. This God makes things happen, even those things that seem ridiculous, this God is present, this God listens, this God fulfils His purposes, this God is awesome and is worthy of worship. 

Yet, the servant would not have grown in faith in this way unless Abraham had challenged him to go on this journey. The servant had seen Abraham make decisions in faith, but had not had to do it on his own before. Abraham sent him, and look at the increase of faith this produced in that man, and the blessing it brought to Abraham’s family. 

Are you willing to be sent on a faith journey? 

Is there someone who’s faith you admire that is setting a challenge for you to move and grow in faith? If so, be obedient, take the risk - what’s the worse that can happen? 

When you step out in faith, it is terrifying, it is different, and people may think you’re a bit crazy, but be ready, like the servant, to pray outrageous prayers and see outrageous answers. It won’t just change your life, but the lives those around you too. The task of Abraham's servant seemed ridiculous really, yet he trusted in the faith of his master, someone who had seen God working in so many ways in his life, the servant took stock of the success and faith of this man, and realised that eventhough he did not share the faith of Abraham, he could trust that Abraham knew what he was asking of him and expecting of God. So, the servant stepped froward with trepidation. He by no means was certain of success, or of what would happen, but he had confidence in Abraham, even if he didn't have the same confidence in God yet. 

Are you willing to go like Abraham’s servant was? It is ok to have questions, it’s ok to not be sure, it’s ok to be nervous and excited. It’s great to pray and trust. So, are you willing to take the first shaky steps into a new future as you trust in the faith of others when they call you to step out?

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Where do you meet with God?

We are so privileged to be able to talk to God wherever we are, whenever we want. It wasn’t always this way. 

Here is an extract from the book of Exodus:

*7*Now Moses used to take the tent and pitch it outside the camp, far off from the camp, and he called it the tent of meeting. And everyone who sought the Lord would go out to the tent of meeting, which was outside the camp. *8*Whenever Moses went out to the tent, all the people would rise up, and each would stand at his tent door, and watch Moses until he had gone into the tent. *9*When Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud would descend and stand at the entrance of the tent, and the Lord would speak with Moses. *10*And when all the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance of the tent, all the people would rise up and worship, each at his tent door. *11*Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.  

Exodus 33:7-11

These verses clearly show that anyone could go and seek God, everyone had access, but they had to go out of their way to a specific place to meet with Him. There is also a clear difference to anyone going to the tent of meeting and Moses. Everyone had access to the meeting place, but something special happened when it was Moses. Moses had a unique relationship with God and experienced God speaking to him as to a friend.

When we speak to our friends, we involve them in the details of our lives, we have fun together, share thoughts and dreams. Do you do that with God? Or is it more of a one-way communication?  

Do you treat God as a friend when you speak to Him? Are you good at waiting to hear what God has to say?

When Moses met with God, they spoke as friends. What an intimate, special connection! You have the capability to have the same, because of Jesus. When you give your life to God through Jesus, you have special access to meet with God wherever you are. 
Moses had to go to the tent or up a mountain to meet with God, but you can meet God right here and now, so really, you have it better! 

You can enter into God’s presence and speak to God as a friend, do you?

Friday, 9 July 2021

Are you grieving God?

Going through Genesis, we firstly see the joy and wonder of creation, and the imagination, purity and delight of God in what He has made, but soon it all goes wrong….

Why does it go wrong?

Well, pretty much because mankind want to do things their way. Adam and Eve were tempted, and then the initial mistrust in God then leads into sin, depravity and destruction as we through the synopsis of chapter 5. Then we hit chapter 6, and the sad reality; 

‘The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. *6*And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.’

Genesis 6:5-6

God allowed, and still allows, humans to make up their own minds, to have opinions and choices, but what does getting our own way lead to? If we take Adam and Eve as an example, and consider the reality of our own lives, we can see that doubting God and His goodness leads to thinking we know better and not doing as He wants. This can commence the rapid descent into sin, just like it did for Adam and Eve.

Without challenging the doubt of God, and remembering who God really is did not end well for the first humans in existence, for the generations that followed them it ended up with; murder, boasting, polygamy, unhealthy relationships and further distance put between God and His own creation. The same can happen for you, in your life, for your descendants. 

What would God see if He looked at you life today? 

You have a choice. You get to decide whether you live a life faithful to God or not. 

I am really struck by the last 5 words of verse 6, that the sin on the Earth, 'grieved him to his heart.’ I want no part of grieving God, do you? 

Do you know why God grieves? Do you realise that only things that are dearly loved are dearly grieved? It is because of God’s enormous love for you that you grieve Him when you do things wrong, and lead your life on a trajectory further and further away from Him. It is not because God hates you that He grieves, but because of the depth of love He has for you - His creation, a person made in His very own image.

Take a moment to consider the immensity of God's love for you, and then reflect on the way your life is going, what direction are you taking? Are you making decisions that are moving towards or away from Him? 

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

God is 'grieved to the heart'

Going through Genesis, we firstly see the joy and wonder of creation, and the imagination, purity and delight of God in what He has made, and soon it all goes wrong….

Why does it go wrong? Because mankind want to do things their way. Adam and Eve were tempted then the initial sin of mistrust in God leads into depravity and destruction as we can clearly see in the synopsis of chapter 5. Then we hit this bombshell moment in chapter 6; 

‘The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. *6*And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.’

Genesis 6:5-6

Wow! What a contrast to the earlier chapters where things were 'good'. Now, the will and choice of humankind has led to God regretting that he made the whole race! I found that quite hard-hitting when i read it, that God saw the horrible stuff we get up to and felt so sick and sad about it that he felt intense sorrow. Doesn't that just show the incredible love of God?

God allowed, and still allows, humans to make up their own minds, to have opinions and choices, but can you see why God gets so sad about our disobedience or mistrust of Him? When we consider the unfolding reality through the book of Genesis that doubt, temptation and human choice can lead to a rapid descent into sin, why do we still favour our own decisions above God's advice? With Adam and Eve, the initial lack of faith in God, starting to doubt who He is and what He has said ends up with; murder, boasting, polygamy, unhealthy relationships and further distance put between God and His own creation, and that's just in these first few chapters, as you read on you will see lying, rape, incest, homosexuality and much more depravity.  

The very created beings that were intended to replicate something of who God is have gone away, and don’t even see it. No wonder God grieved. 

What would God see if He looked around the Earth today? I am sure He would still see, ‘that the wickedness of man was great’. Not much has changed. mankind still wish to exert their own importance and feel in control by making their own choices. Don't you think, that each time we knowingly do wrong  that God is still grieved ‘to his heart’?

Do you realise that only things that are dearly loved are dearly grieved? 

It is because of God’s enormous love for you that you grieve Him when you do things wrong, not because He hates you or wants to punish you, but because He sees how far you are running away from Him, and how the impact of your choices will effect you and those you care about. 

Today, ask yourself, are you grieving God in the way you are living your life? 

God has done everything He can to demonstrate His love to you, He follows you, He cares and provides for you, not only that, but He also allowed His perfect son, Jesus, to bear the ultimate shame and punishment just so you can experience the depth of His love for you by being free of the guilt of your sin.

Today, you have a chance to put away wickedness, accept forgiveness and live a life knowing you’re loved - are you going to take it? 

Saturday, 3 July 2021

Perpetuation of sin

Sin is dangerous. Ignoring God's rebuke is dangerous. It is dangerous for you and the generations that follow. If you're reading this today and know there are things in your life that God doesn't like, make a decision today to get rid of it because it will get hold of you and destroy you, your faith and your family. Don't believe me? Think i'm being over-dramatic or too harsh? Then lets look at the Bible and consider the generations that followed Cain....

*17*Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. When he built a city, he called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch. *18*To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad fathered Mehujael, and Mehujael fathered Methushael, and Methushael fathered Lamech. *19*And Lamech took two wives. The name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah. *20*Adah bore Jabal; he was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock. *21*His brother’s name was Jubal; he was the father of all those who play the lyre and pipe. *22*Zillah also bore Tubal-cain; he was the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron. The sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah. 

*23*Lamech said to his wives: 

Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; 

you wives of Lamech, listen to what I say: 

I have killed a man for wounding me, 

a young man for striking me. 

*24* If Cain’s revenge is sevenfold, 

then Lamech’s is seventy-sevenfold.” 

We do not know much about some of the generations that are in-between Cain and Lamech, but look at the perpetuation of sin that occurred in the generations between Cain and Lamech. Considering that they would of known and understood that they are descended from the first ever people on the planet who walked with God, look how far away from God’s perfect plan they wander; Lamech has not one wife but two for a start, this clearly does not reflect God’s design that two become one flesh (- what do 3 become?) Then look at Lamech’s speech, or i would call it a boast; how he murdered someone for injuring him, how he seeks revenge and seems to have a lust for vengeance. 

The generations between Cain and Lamech are not mentioned much beyond their capabilities, they certainly do not mention that any of them have faith in God (maybe they did but it doesn't seem to be as signifciant a part of their life as their accomplishments). Yet we get this snippet about Lamech, which clearly shows the level of degradation humankind had got into. 

It all stemmed from pride. Cain was proud and would not accept instruction, down the line this led to Lamech's pride in murdering someone! can you see how sin gets out of hand?

You may not see your wrongdoing as a big deal. it is. It is a big enough deal to separate you from God (who is supremely holy), and warrant the death of an innocent man who willingly went through torture so you and your descendents could be free from the entanglement of sin. 

Temptation, pride, disappointment, even success can quickly descend into sin. It can overcome you if you do not allow God or His people to correct you. If you choose to go your own way instead of God's then you can see your life, and the lives of those who come after you descend into wickedness. If Cain had listened to God’s warnings, if we listen to God’s warnings instead of doing what we want, how different our lives and the lives of those around us could be. 

So, the question is, what kind of legacy do you want to leave behind you? 

How your descendants turn out could well depend on your obedience to God today. 

Thursday, 1 July 2021

If you do well, will you not be accepted?

 Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a worker of the ground. *3*In the course of time Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground, *4*and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, *5*but for Cain and his offering he had no regard. So Cain was very angry, and his face fell. *6*The Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? *7*If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.” 

Genesis 4:2-7

What was Cain’s problem?

Some may know the section of scripture that comes next, but do you notice the indicators in these verses that something is wrong? Clearly, Cain wants to be the best, and be recognised as not just being accepted, but better than his brother. When he is not, he becomes jealous. This leads to disappointment and anger, but not regret or remorse. It seems that Cain’s offering was more about himself than about honouring God. He did it so God would be happy and commend him, instead God challenged and corrected him, yet Cain would not heed the advice. God even warned him that his mindset could lead to sin - so far he had not sinned in this situation, but God told him that if he didn’t sort out his own heart and response then it would lead somewhere he shouldn’t seek to go. The encouragement for Cain was to listen to instruction and learn to manage himself, to learn self-control. 

This is the kind of worship God seeks.

Are you someone that gets jealous of others? That looks around to see if you are better in your own eyes than yours around you? Have you  ever been corrected but been more offended than consider if it’s true or not? 

If so, what do you think God would be saying to you right now?

You could even be doing things for God, worshipping, sacrificing, living a ‘christian’ life, but if you’re doing it all to gain recognition from God or man, then you are in danger just like Cain was. Your heart will become prideful, if it isn’t already, and you need to watch out for the sin that is crouching ready to take you out. 

Listen to God’s advice; ‘If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.’

Watch out for yourself, if you catch yourself comparing yourself to others or being jealous of the gifts of others or their commendation, then take a step back and refocus. It’s an opportunity to consider - are you doing well? Is God getting your best? 

Cain’s gift could not match Abel’s gift in one way, because they had different workloads and responsibility, yet Cain could still of brought the best of what he had rather than be in competition with those around him. Cain could have accepted the rebuke and restored the relationship between himself and his brother and between him and God, yet he allowed his disappointment in himself to turn into self-pity and hatred. 

Be warned! Be aware of your own heart and mind before God and others. The temptation will be there, but are you willing to admit it and ask forgiveness? Are you willing to restore your relationships and heal your heart? Will you watch out over your own heart and reactions? 

If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

What is the best gift?

 Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a worker of the ground. *3*In the course of time Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground, *4*and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, *5*but for Cain and his offering he had no regard. So Cain was very angry, and his face fell. *6*The Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? *7*If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.” 

Genesis 4:2-7

What was Cain’s sin?

Some may know the section of scripture that comes next, but do you notice the indicators in these verses that something is wrong? Clearly, Cain wants to be the best, and be recognised as not just being accepted, but better than his brother. When he is not, he becomes jealous. This leads to disappointment and anger, but not regret or remorse. It seems that Cain’s offering was more about himself than about honouring God. He did it so God would be happy and commend him, instead God challenged and corrected him, yet Cain would not heed the advice. God even warned him that his mindset could lead to sin. God told him that if he didn’t sort out his own heart and response then it would lead somewhere he shouldn’t seek to go. The encouragement for Cain was to listen to instruction and learn to manage himself, to learn self-control. 

This is the kind of sacrifice God seeks.

Are you someone that gets jealous of others? That looks around to see if you are better in your own eyes than those around you? If so, what do you think God would be saying to you right now? You could even be doing things for God, diligently working for the church, but if you’re doing it to gain recognition from God or man, then your heart will become prideful if it isn’t already, and you need to watch out for the sin that is crunching ready to take you out, just like it was waiting for Cain.

Listen to God’s advice, 'If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.” 

Watch out! If you catch yourself comparing yourself to others or being jealous of the gifts of others or their commendation, then you need to change your focus - ask yourself, what are you doing well? Is there something God is trying to tech you right now? Are you listening and doing what you know is right? 

The issue with the gifts given to God in this story is not about us all being the same and doing the same; Cain’s gift could not match Abel’s gift because they had different workloads and responsibility, yet Cain could still of brought the best of what he had. That is what God wants - the best you have, rather than being in competition with those around you. 

Cain could of accepted the rebuke and restored the relationship between himself and his brother and between him and God, yet he allowed his disappointment in himself to turn into self-pity and hatred. 

Be warned, and be aware of your own heart and mind before God and others. The temptations are there, there's an enemy waiting to prey on your dissatisfied mind, but are you willing to admit it and ask forgiveness? Are you willing to give the best sacrifice that is your own pride and desires? 

You have a choice, 'If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.” 

Monday, 28 June 2021

Can you lose God's love?

 /And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them./ 

*22*Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—” *23*therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken.

Genesis 3:21-23

Even when Adam and Eve had damaged the relationship between themselves and God, do you see how God still continues to care for them? He made them clothes. 

Due to their disobedience they recognised their vulnerability, and God still provided for them eventhough they had taken their trust away from Him. How awesome is God?! He still cares, He still loves and still provides even when we do the opposite to what He wants. 

Why does God do that?

Surely that shows something of the extent of the investment God has made in us, the measure of His love. A love that is not dependent on performance, on getting it right, of obeying all of the rules or being the best. That is the kind of love the Lord God has for us - a love that stays with us even when we mess up, when we are disobedient and test the boundaries, even when we walk away, God's love remains. His love still looks out for us and does what it can for us even in the simple everyday provision of food, shelter and clothing. 

Do you know that no matter what you have done or are doing, God is still providing what you need? 

Sure, your sin and disobedience will have some consequences, but losing God’s love is not one of them. 

Saturday, 26 June 2021

Dust v Image of God

In Genesis Chapters 1 and 2, we find the following descriptions of mankind:

‘the image of God’

‘of dust from the ground’

These are two opposing concepts, one of great value, worth, significance and power -  being an image bearer of the Lord God. The other of lowliness, dirt and insignificance - made out of mud. 

Why were human beings created with such a conflict inherent in their being? 

I think that as humans we can err on two accounts, some of us readily associate with the saying, ‘I am but a worm’, indicating that we consider ourselves dirt - we can identify ourselves as of little worth and value and therefore understand the fact that we are in fact just dirt that walks around. To you, God would remind you you also bear His image. He formed you, He put HIs breath in you, AND He made you like Himself, so you have the opportunity to demonstrate who God is just by being yourself in this world. 

Others err in the fact that they are overly confident in the fact that they are like mini-gods roaming around. Full of the confidence that they are image-bearers of God, which can lead to pride, over confidence and self-importance, even then thinking that the world is about them and how it effects them. To these, God would say, you are, 'of dust from the ground'  Have you forgotten who formed you and what from? Do you even know how many breaths you have left or how many hairs on your own head? but God gives you every one? 

Remember what you are and where you came from.

You are who you are because of Almighty God’s creative power, not anything to do with your own perception of yourself, or others’ opinions or actions. God doesn’t  want you to get prideful or downhearted about who you are, if you struggle with one or the other of these mindsets, then consider the other perspective and honour God for it.

This inherent conflict is striving to strike a balance, and should remind us again who God is. This internal mindset should ultimately lead us to worship God - How else can we respond when we realise that we are endowed with kingly demeanour, yet we are created from the base of the earth? 

Only God can bring breath and life to dirt! Only God can bring value and strength from the muddy mess that we can find ourselves in. Only God knows and can reveal our purpose. 

Enjoy and appreciate the tension that you are the image of God, yet you are also dirt. It will give you the right balance of acknowledgement of your place and stature in this Earthly kingdom, and in the kingdom to come.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Restored relationship

 they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. *9*But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” *10*And he said, “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.” *11*He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” *12*The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” *13*Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” 

Genesis 3:8-13

This section of scripture shows us that God knows. 

If there’s anything you’ve done in secret, God has seen it. That should give you comfort if you are secretly serving, giving and praying or doing something good. God sees it, He knows what you’ve been up to.

If there are things you know you shouldn’t be doing, God also sees it. But don’t despair, because read on to see how God handles it.

Adam and Eve know they’ve done something they shouldn’t have, and God knows they’ve done wrong, yet, even though some may have you believe that God is fierce and harsh God; He doesn’t rant, He doesn’t rain down fire or pour out punishment, what does He do? God asks questions.

God knows they are not positioned as they usually are to meet Him, so He simply asks them, “where are you?” God knows, but He is still inviting them both to come and meet Him, God continues to desire their presence, did you notice that? These first people He made stuffed up, yet He still wants to see them, it is the same for you.

Once Adam answered, God could tell the man wasn’t feeling right about himself, Adam knew that something had changed in the relationship and he wasn’t committable about it, and certainly not comfortable about approaching God with his wrongdoing (nothing much has changed in the last few thousand years has it?!). 

God also realised that what Adam told Him was not the whole story, so God then made it clear that He knew the problem and gave Adam the chance to confess it. God is doing the same for you. He cares more about you and His relationship between you than the sin you get caught up in.

God still wants to be close to you if you’ve done something you know you shouldn’t, He still wants to enjoy the relationship you have. He won’t hurt you, but He will desire for you to clean up your mess. He wants you to admit there’s a problem, not hear a load of excuses. Are you ready to be honest with yourself and God? 

God will ask you what you have done, are you ready to answer Him? 

There may well be consequences, but ultimately God wants to restore you to Himself so that you can hang out again. That’s the whole reason Jesus lived, died and rose again. It was all about that relationship being made right. 

If you know your relationship with God is not in a good place, take a bit of time today to figure out why. Is there something you’ve done or not done that needs sorting out? You need to admit it to yourself and God, why? Well, don’t you want to be invited to walk with God? Don’t you want to be free from the secret sin and the guilt and shame?

Today is a new opportunity to walk with God in the garden, there may be some hard conversation to be had, but you can be restored.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Male and Female He created them...


Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” *19*Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. *20*The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. *21*So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. *22*And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. *23*Then the man said, 

“This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; 

she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” 

*24*Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. *25*And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

 Genesis 2:18-25

Man and woman were made by God. At different times, but both hand-crafted by God for purpose. 

At the start of this passage, God recognises that man should not be alone. As humankind is created in the image of God, then we are created for community.  

We function best with others, ‘it is not good that the man should be alone’ is as true now as when it was written. Humans are social beings and should be around others for life to be ‘good’. Good because we can support and challenge one another, we can bring company, fun, love and kindness to each other. Of course, we can also wind each other up too, but since the beginning of creation it has been noted that man alone is not a good thing. So, if you find yourself alone, why is that, and is there anything you can do about it? Being in community with others is what you are created for, it is in those relationships that you can more truly reflect who God is.

This section of scripture gives us an insight into how important relationships are to God, especially the male/female relationships, and the significance of being a man or a woman. In today’s society, the distinction between male and female is being eroded away. That is no good thing, we are distinctly different created to be who we are in the body’s we are in. The Bible here begins to tell us what a woman and a man should be. 

The first thing we find out about a woman is that she was made as ‘a helper for for him’  as well as some company for him - the woman was created to help, assist and be a partner to the man.  Some people do not like that and see being a helper as a bad thing, but being a helper is not a lowly function. it is a powerful purpose. Man would not be man without woman helping him. Plus, the Holy Spirit is often described as a helper, so for those that consider being a helper a derogatory or demeaning term are completely wrong, God is a helper and there’s nothing lowly or demeaning in His character! 

Thursday, 17 June 2021

The Seventh Day


Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. *2*And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. *3*So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation. 

Genesis 2:1

God rested, most of us realise this fact about the 7th day, but did you notice that God also blessed the 7th day and made it holy? He didn’t do that  for His own benefit, after all, how would God bless himself? Therefore it must be for the benefit of His creation. 

So,  what does it mean that the 7th day is blessed and holy? 

This 7th day, at the start of creation is marked out as significant and highlighted as different rom every other day. Every other day, things were made, God worked, but this day, something different happened, God rested, therefore signifying that it was set apart and significant. 

God, at the very start gave the 7th day high value, He wanted the 7th day to look different from the rest of the week. He dedicated it to rest and reflection. 

Does your 7th day look different to every other day? Do you set it apart in some way?

God next tells us this day is ‘blessed’. This means it has good bestowed upon it and it is consecrated. Therefore it should be a day that is used for noble purpose. It should be a day of contemplation and enjoyment of the work already completed, a day when there’s a different focus and routine. A day that we choose to do something good, and where we appreciate the good in life. 

The 7th day is also holy, therefore it must be set apart for religious purpose, dedicated to God. This conjures the ideas of meeting others with the same beliefs, building and encouraging one another up, declaring God’s goodness, doing something with a God-ward focus.  Taking time to see the good we, others and God have done and appreciating that. Sharing time acknowledging the creator. 

This is why, as christians, we usually meet up on a Sunday, it’s not just some cultural tradition, but a mandate that God has infused into the creation of the world! God has spoken that this day is blessed and holy - are you ensuring that it has this significant place in your life, are you treating your 7th day with his value like God does? 

Monday, 14 June 2021


 What else do we learn about God in this very first chapter of the Bible? We have already seen that God is creator, He is satisfied, He works, and He desires to reproduce , now in verse 30, we see that not only is God interested in making and making more, but he is also the sustainer of all things; 

‘ God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.’

God made all the creatures and then our very selves but He didn’t just stop there. After that He gave his creation means for survival and enjoyment - He made a whole host of food for us all to enjoy. God has ensured that the world He created could be sustained. He provided within creation the means to continue. 

There’s incredible generosity and lavishness in this provision too -  there’s not just one type of sustenance, but many - every tree with seed in it’s fruit, a choice, an abundance to enjoy. What kindness and love is shown in that provision. 

We can take food as a necessity, as something that is an essential (which it is)  and that we take for granted, have you really taken time to consider the true source of your meals? The One and only Living God that has lovingly and lavishly given you so much choice in order for you to not only nourish, but enjoy nourishing your body? 

God has provided your food, what else has He provided for you?

If you’re in a season of life where you’re needing provision  of some kind, and wondering when or where it’s coming from - take a look around and see what He has already given you. He wants to sustain you, He has provided in an incredibly generous way already, remember that, then pray with expectation that His lavish love will continue to provide for you - God sustains His creation. 

Saturday, 12 June 2021

Made in the image of God

God made man in His own image;

‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.’

Genesis 1:26

This tells us that; YOU ARE MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD! You may not physically look like Him, but in some way you demonstrate what God is like. He wanted to reproduce, so He made humans to be like Him in some way. 

Doesn’t that just give you a WOW moment? It should! 

In your inherent being, far beyond nature, genetics or evolution, you were handcrafted to display, in some way, God’s image. God put in you part of Himself, you were created to show others what God is like. Doesn’t that just blow your mind? 

If you’ve ever wondered what your purpose in life is, or struggled with self-esteem issues then take time to consider this: God made you to display what He is like, He put something of His own self within you to show the world what He is like! Then, once He had created mankind, do you know what He said? “It is very good”, not just good or alright, but very good! God made you well and God doesn’t lie. 

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”/ 

27 So God created man in his own image,

/in the image of God he created him;/ 

/male and female he created them./ 

*/28*And God blessed them./ 

Genesis 1:26-28

Thursday, 10 June 2021

It is good....


Every time God made something during the creation story, there are comments that He saw ‘it was good’. 

I have read this many times, as I suppose some of you may of done, but this time I considered this repeated phrase - what is it actually showing us - this simple phrase?

It shows me that God is satisfied with His work. He has put in effort, energy and consideration into what He is dong and He is content with the result. God is satisfied with what He has produced.

Are you content and satisfied with the work of your hands? Do you step back at the end of the day and think that your work is good?

If not, take time at the end of your work to appreciate what you have done. We all have tough work periods, and times when things don’t go right - but have you put in a good days work? Have you made progress? Have you done all you could (without burning yourself out)? 

If you think you are never enough or doing enough, then maybe you need to sit back at the end of the day and consider the good you have done. You are human, you are entitled to sit back and appreciate your labours - God did. Don’t be afraid of giving yourself a pat on the back or acknowledging your efforts. It could just change your perspective in your work life. It could even cause you to reflect on the work you want to do. 

‘It is good”

God is satisfied and content with His labours - are you? If not, what is it that you need to change? 

Tuesday, 8 June 2021


 Often in life we are taught to think before we speak, we learn for ourselves that words can hurt, encourage, inspire and correct. Yet, how many of us really consider the words we speak? This is one lesson we are constantly trying to teach our children, that words should be purposeful, they are not meaningless, but they have power based within them. I see that as I read the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis. God says, and stuff happens. God must of carefully planned and orchestrated His words because they contained such creative power that something was made out of nothing (don’t we also see that with our own words?). 

God’s words contain power. So do ours. That’s why all babies endeavour to talk, they want to convey their needs and wants, that’s why we learn other languages, so we can communicate and understand others. Words are important. Your words are important, you should be listened to - are you communicating in a way that people want to respond to? That doesn’t mean being threatening or being the loudest and most insistent voice, but having a considered approach. 

God created the universe via words. What are you creating with yours?

Sunday, 6 June 2021

In the beginning, God...

 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. *2*The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 

Genesis 1:2

Isn’t that a great verse to start with, it commences the whole Bible, ‘in the beginning, God’. It all starts with this God, the very beginning of everything, God was there, and from this point on we can embark on a journey of discovery about who this God is, starting here, the opening of the Bible,  so what is the very first thing we learn about God?

We discover that God has the capacity and desire to create. He made the heavens and Earth. He constructed them out of a meaningless, emptiness. God is creator, that is the first thing we see. 

Do you notice that at the initial stage of creation the Earth was pretty useless? It was 'without form and void', empty and shapeless - rather worthless. It was covered in darkness, an area of confusion and the unknown, yet the Spirit of God was present, 'hovering'

This reminds me of times we have in life when we are feeling worthless, and life seems confusing and surrounded by darkness, so we can feel empty and alone. These verses bring hope that God is there - His Spirit is over the situation. God is present and about to create something new. If God can form the whole world out of empty darkness, then surely He can  transform the formless void that we can sometimes find ourselves in. If that sounds like your life right now, then know that the Spirit of God is hovering; observing, present and ready for action. Keep focussed, and prepare for the new form of life God will create.

Monday, 8 February 2021

Does death scare you?

 Many people are scared of death. It is the ending of this life. I have heard it said, 'there's one sure thing about life, death'! We all will experience it, more of us will die than have children, or get married or gain a career - yet we spend far more time planning and preparing for these things than for the one certain thing that will happen to us all. 

The reality is - you will die. What are you doing to prepare for it? Are you ready for your life to end? Does death scare you? 

What happens when you die; is it a void? non-existence? is there anything afterwards?  So many unknown can lead to people feeling frightened about dying. But, you don't need to be afraid - You can actually have hope beyond the grave, not just in leaving a legacy behind you, but a real hope and joy in what lies ahead when your days in this world finish.  

The Bible says us;

“Death is swallowed up in victory.” 

*55*“O death, where is your victory? 

O death, where is your sting?” 

*56*The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. *57*But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 

 (1 Corinthians 15:54-57)

Death doesn't have to feel like a frightening future, it has lost it's power, it has been transformed from a terrifying unknown into a victory. instead of bearing a 'sting', it brings hope. 

We kind of have to read these verses in reverse to help us understand them - the victory comes because of the Son of God, Jesus. He has given us victory over death because he lived a pure life, and died a tortuous death to get rid of our sin. All that stuff you and I have done wrong deserves a punishment, it needs to be made up for, and God knew we couldn't do enough to make up for it, so His Son did it for us. 

Jesus, strangely, overcame the power od death through dying! Well, that was part of it - the death sorted out the repayment for our wrongs. the fact that Jesus came back to life - that defeated death! Jesus is the Son of God, and God is immortal therefore he couldn't stay dead. Therefore, the scary, unknown mystery of death was destroyed. 

For all of those who believe and trust in Jesus, death should not be a scary thing. Death doesn't even sting anymore! Death is not an inconvenience, a source of worry or fear, but a victory! 

Jesus has promised that those who live for God will have a greater future after this life ends. He tells us that his followers will one day join him in heaven. Not only that, but there are eternal rewards awaiting them and a home prepared! Jesus tries to encourage us that there is something far greater than any treasure, any fame or fortune of this Earth to look forward to - the doorway to it is death. 

This doesn't mean that we should all be trying to die - Jesus tells us that God knows the number of our days as well as the amount of hairs on our heads, but Jesus speaks about this to assure you and I that death is ok. He came back to show us that it doesn't all end with Earthly death - he lived after the grave, and you will too - are you preparing to live with him? Are you going to be victorious in you death knowing that you'll be with Jesus? or do you really have something to be scared of - an eternity without God? 

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Is your hope growing?

 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, *4*to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you

1 Peter 1:3-4

As christians, we have been; ‘born again to a living hope’. We get to have a new life, not confined to this world, but one that continues to exist beyond what we currently experience. This hope that we are now a part of lives - it breathes, it is constant and it grows. 

Is  your hope in God growing? 

That thought has challenged me - do I have more hope now than I ever used to? Am I living in greater and growing assurance of my inheritance? Are you?

The next promise in these couple of verses is that we have an inheritance, that is, ‘imperishable, undefiled, and unfading’. 

We have much to look forward to, that is certain. There is no doubt about it - the death of Christ has led to us having an eternal joy to look forward to that will never diminish, never get tarnished and will never become devalued. 

Whatever life throws at you, no matter how bleak, or even how tremendous your life is - there is a greater gift to come. A promise, a treasure stored up for us where no-one and nothing can get at it - it cannot be stolen, it cannot become less and it cannot be ruined. It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake, if you sin or sink into bad habits - your eternal salvation and eternal reward is still waiting for you, not because of your actions or faith, but because you trust that Jesus has given you all that was his. He doesn’t even invite, or ask you - he gives you this inheritance with no clauses or restrictions, it’s been signed off and set aside just for you. 

So, are you living with anticipation of the reward of heaven? 

Is your hope alive and growing? 

If not - what can you do about it? 

Contemplate the truth of these verses and learn to accept them - they have certainly put a smile not just on my face, but in me heart today, I hope you are inspired and encouraged too.