As we come to chapter 7 of Daniel, we encounter the visions and prophecies that Daniel has received over time. The first dream recorded, occurred during the time of Belshazzar whom we met chapter 5. So these chapters do not continue the same chronological order that has been evident for the first 6 chapters. It seems that this book is comprised of two parts - a historical summary (chapters 1-6) and a record of some of the things that God has shown Daniel. It seems more like a journal as Daniel has recorded what he has noticed, felt, seen and heard from God.
The first vision that Daniel recounts in this chapter concerns 4 beasts representing 4 terrifying kingdoms. Daniel is rightly disturbed by these images and what they represent. The culminating beast/kingdom is the one most focussed on as it is the most terrifying. Daniel asks someone in the vision about what all of it means, and in verses 23–27, the final beast is interpreted;
‘There shall be a fourth kingdom on earth,
which shall be different from all the kingdoms, and it shall devour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it to pieces.*24*As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise, and another shall arise after them; he shall be different from the former ones,
and shall put down three kings.*25*He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand
for a time, times, and half a time.*26*But the court shall sit in judgment, and his dominion shall be taken away, to be consumed and destroyed to the end.*27*And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; his kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.’
This sounds incredible and terrifying at the same time doesn’t it? Terrifying yet tinged with hope.
As we read the first few verses we see that there is the assurance that there will be one kingdom in the Earth. Unified not by goodness and grace, but by might and violence (v23-25). This kingdom shall; devour, trample and break down all around the world. It is clear that this is not a kingdom where God reigns, in fact the scripture tells us that one of the world leaders, ‘shall speak words against the Most High(God)’. One king that overthrows 3 previous kings shall speak out against God and begin persecuting God’s people. He, ‘Shall wear out the saints of the Most High’, and, ‘think to change the times and the law’. This one leader will purposefully make life difficult for those that believe in and worship the Most High God. Like the image of the beast, this one king ravenously seeks to devour those who are part of God’s kingdom. This one person is intent on diminishing the kingdom of God, and he is allowed to. God’s people are, ‘given into his hand’. Suffering and persecution is allowed. We see it now in part in different nations across the world, but one day it will effect the whole world, every nation. None of us knows what that will look like, yet this is one of the promises of scripture.
Does this fit into your understanding of who God is? That God, the Almighty, holy, just, loving, all powerful, Most High will allow His people to suffer?
These verses clearly show us that the people of God are given over to; trampling, devouring and breaking. God permits his servants to suffer, this beastly kingdom that seeks to ‘wear out the saints’, I know that i certainly feel worn out by life at times! This section of scripture show that this is what all of the 'saints' - followers of God - will feel like. The promise is that this time will come and the followers of God will be particularly picked on, but the promise is also that this period will cease. It will last for a predetermined amount of time - there will be hardship and significant suffering - but it will end. Do you have the staying power to make it through a time like that?
Many won’t. Some will deny their faith, turn away and do whatever is needed to survive and get by on this Earth, will you? Or will you remain ruthlessly devoted to the Most High, the King of kings, the one who, in His kindness has warned you and I that this will come despite the difficulties?
God has warned us that this season of suffering is coming so we can be prepared. So that when it does, we are not surprised, we have the truth of God’s word to stand on, we can know what we are facing, we can see it for what it is. There is great comfort in these verses as they clearly show that God is still there and in control. Even when the worst happens. God is still present, still all-powerful, still in control and He still loves us.
There is hope for those that do continue to follow God, for those that do survive and withstand the pressure. God promises that this earthly, destructive, ‘dominion shall be taken away, to be consumed and destroyed’. The comfort here is that the only one that will be defeated and destroyed is the terrifying beast, the enemy of the saints. The saints are worn out, but the persecuting ones will be destroyed. How great is that?!
The reality is though, that being emotionally and physically worn out can spiritually wear us out too. Battling every day is tiring and ‘saints’ can lose their way, give up and give in. It is hard work, but keep your eyes on the prize - one day it will end and the kingdom will be given over to the saints - Will you be one of them at the end of the trial? Eventhough you know that will be worn out, given over and punished for what you believe and how you live your life?
In the end, the saints triumph, but not until years of suffering, restriction and persecution come. Who will hold on and bear to be worn out by the laws, kings and kingdoms of the Earth? The saints, God’s people, can be worn out, but not obliterated. God does not give permission for that.
Are you a saint that will remain standing?