Monday, 31 October 2022

Are you a saint that will remain standing?

 As we come to chapter 7 of Daniel, we encounter the visions and prophecies that Daniel has received over time. The first dream recorded, occurred during the time of Belshazzar whom we met chapter 5. So these chapters do not continue the same chronological order that has been evident for the first 6 chapters. It seems that this book is comprised of two parts - a historical summary (chapters 1-6) and a record of some of the things that God has shown Daniel. It seems more like a journal as Daniel has recorded what he has noticed, felt, seen and heard from God. 

The first vision that Daniel recounts in this chapter concerns 4 beasts representing 4 terrifying kingdoms. Daniel is rightly disturbed by these images and what they represent. The culminating beast/kingdom is the one most focussed on as it is the most terrifying. Daniel asks someone in the vision about what all of it means, and in verses 23–27, the final beast is interpreted;

There shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, 

which shall be different from all the kingdoms, and it shall devour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it to pieces.*24*As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise, and another shall arise after them; he shall be different from the former ones, 

and shall put down three kings.*25*He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand 

for a time, times, and half a time.*26*But the court shall sit in judgment, and his dominion shall be taken away, to be consumed and destroyed to the end.*27*And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; his kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.’ 

This sounds incredible and terrifying at the same time doesn’t it? Terrifying yet tinged with hope. 

As we read the first few verses we see that there is the assurance that there will be one kingdom in the Earth. Unified not by goodness and grace, but by might and violence (v23-25). This kingdom shall; devour, trample and break down all around the world. It is clear that this is not a kingdom where God reigns, in fact the scripture tells us that one of the world leaders, ‘shall speak words against the Most High(God)’. One king that overthrows 3 previous kings shall speak out against God and begin persecuting God’s people. He, ‘Shall wear out the saints of the Most High’, and, ‘think to change the times and the law’.  This one leader will purposefully make life difficult for those that believe in and worship the Most High God. Like the image of the beast, this one king ravenously seeks to devour those who are part of God’s kingdom. This one person is intent on diminishing the kingdom of God, and he is allowed to. God’s people are, ‘given into his hand’. Suffering and persecution is allowed. We see it now in part in different nations across the world, but one day it will effect the whole world, every nation. None of us knows what that will look like, yet this is one of the promises of scripture. 

Does this fit into your understanding of who God is? That God, the Almighty, holy, just, loving, all powerful, Most High will allow His people to suffer?

These verses clearly show us that the people of God are given over to; trampling, devouring and breaking. God permits his servants to suffer, this beastly kingdom that seeks to ‘wear out the saints’, I know that i certainly feel worn out by life at times! This section of scripture show that this is what all of the 'saints' - followers of God - will feel like. The promise is that this time will come and the followers of God will be particularly picked on, but the promise is also that this period will cease. It will last for a predetermined amount of time - there will be hardship and significant suffering - but it will end. Do you have the staying power to make it through a time like that? 

Many won’t. Some will deny their faith, turn away and do whatever is needed to survive and get by on this Earth, will you? Or will you remain ruthlessly devoted to the Most High, the King of kings, the one who, in His kindness has warned you and I that this will come despite the difficulties?

God has warned us that this season of suffering is coming so we can be prepared. So that when it does, we are not surprised, we have the truth of God’s word to stand on, we can know what we are facing, we can see it for what it is. There is great comfort in these verses as they clearly show that God is still there and in control. Even when the worst happens. God is still present, still all-powerful, still in control and He still loves us. 

There is hope for those that do continue to follow God, for those that do survive and withstand the pressure. God promises that this earthly, destructive, ‘dominion shall be taken away, to be consumed and destroyed’. The comfort here is that the only one that will be defeated and destroyed is the terrifying beast, the enemy of the saints. The saints are worn out, but the persecuting ones will be destroyed. How great is that?!

The reality is though, that being emotionally and physically worn out can spiritually wear us out too. Battling every day is tiring and ‘saints’ can lose their way, give up and give in. It is hard work, but keep your eyes on the prize -  one day it will end and the kingdom will be given over to the saints - Will you be one of them at the end of the trial? Eventhough you know that will be worn out, given over and punished for what you believe and how you live your life?

In the end, the saints triumph, but not until years of suffering, restriction and persecution come. Who will hold on and bear to be worn out by the laws, kings and kingdoms of the Earth? The saints, God’s people, can be worn out, but not obliterated. God does not give permission for that. 

Are you a saint that will remain standing?

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Are you a disciple or part of the crowd?

I have been struck by the above question as I have been reading and pondering on the lives of Daniel, Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael in the book of Daniel. 

From the moment we meet these guys, as teenage boys, exiles in a foreign land, they have demonstrated dedication in being disciples of God. Despite the fact that they had experienced; the loss of their home, culture, lifestyle, family, and traditions, they kept following God. Even when the rest of those exiled with them, and the community surrounding them were doing otherwise. 

These four lads were not the only Jewish boys captured and brought to Babylon to be trained and educated in Babylonian life, there were others. There were other exiles, also in a similar life stage, with equable background, upbringing and lifestyle, yet these four young men continued to stand for the faith they had despite the fact that everything else in their life had change. These four recognised that even if everything else changed, God didn’t. 

They expressed this in the everyday decisions they had to make. In making their own decisions despite what the prevailing culture taught and demonstrated, in spite of what their peers were doing, or what was expected of them. We see this from the very start when they are faced with the array of food offered to them - the very same food that the king ate, and the same wine the king drank. I am sure most of the crowd were kind of excited by this prospect - the opportunity to see and taste foods they never dreamed of, even food that would not be allowed as part of their jewish heritage. As they were no longer in their own country though, did the rules still apply? even more poignant - did they want to follow them anyway as they were away from their religious leaders and their parents? These teenager boys could make their own decisions and exercise the freedom that this exile-life allowed even in the simple matters of what to eat, and who wouldn’t want to eat like a king?!

Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. They did not want to eat like kings. Well, they probably did, but they chose not to. Why? Because the Law told them that certain foods were unclean and not for eating, and in this Babylonian culture - how could you tell what was what? Which meats are acceptable and which aren’t? So these four dedicated disciples made a radical decision. They chose to avoid meat altogether, they requested to eat only vegetables and drink only water. How many teenagers do you know that would choose that kind of diet?

They did it because they wanted to honour God first. Above their own desires, the expectations and peer pressure. It could not have been easy for them. Can you imagine the taunting? The name calling, the tempting that must have gone on amongst the crowd of lads eating what they liked? 

The crowd were comfortable and content, eating as they liked, amongst their peers doing as expected.  Daniel and his friends were the odd ones out, living sacrificially, surrounded by temptation and teasing. 

Yet, is the aim of life to be comfortable? Is that the aim of yours? The crowd lead us to be satisfied with ourselves and accepting of one another. There’s comradeship, support and guidance. The same is true for the few disciples as well though. The question really is though - where are the crowd or the disciples leading us? 

Disciples lead us to God, the crowd lead us away. 

Jesus tells us the following in Matthew 7:13-14, ‘the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. *14*For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.’

If you are following the crowd, it may seem comfortable and satisfying, but do you realise that they are the many going through the wide gate to destruction? The few, the disciples, following God are searching for that narrow gate because they know that way they will find life. It is not easy, but isn’t it worth it?

Daniel, Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael sought the narrow way. They did not go along with the crowd, but searched for the narrow way - we can see that throughout the accounts in the book Daniel about how they pressed into God and away from the crowd. They stuck together in their community of believers and followers of God, even through fire, death threats and persecution. The disciples of Jesus did the same.

The 12 disciples of Jesus gave up; businesses, family, lifestyle, riches, security and comfort in order to follow him. They gave up everything in their life to get close to Jesus. They were invited to be up close and personal to God himself and they chose to do it rather than be part of the ever increasing crowd. As a result, they saw; Jesus walk in water, loaves and fishes feeding thousands, demons fleeing and many healings. They saw these things first-hand because they placed themselves in close proximity to Jesus by the everyday decisions they made. The crowd heard of these stories, but they weren’t there when Jesus calmed the storm or walked on water. They didn’t hear first-hand the conversations. The disciples did. Just like in Daniel, the few got to see God in action. 

Where do you want to be? 

Are you content and comfortable in the crowd? Or are you ready and yearning to be a disciple?

It is in the everyday decisions that we can show where we are. In; how you speak to others, who you spend time with, how you manage the school/work resources, how you deal with finances, if you just go along with everyone else just because that is what everyone else is doing. Everyday you get to show where you; in the crowd or amongst the disciples.

Whichever option you choose, there’s a cost. 

Being part of the crowd may be self-satisfying, comfortable and easier, but it leads to estrangement from God and destruction

Being a disciple will mean hardship, being in the minority, estrangement from peers, but closeness to God and life. 

So, what are you going to choose today? Are you part of the crowd or a disciple?

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

what is your reputation?

 The satraps and officials got their way. There was no loophole in the king’s edict, no matter how much the king fretted and tried to find one, so Daniel was punished for breaking it by being thrown into the den of lions;

‘Then, at break of day, the king arose and went in haste to the den of lions. *20*As he came near to the den where Daniel was, he cried out in a tone of anguish. The king declared to Daniel, “O Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?” *21*Then Daniel said to the king, “O king, live forever! *22*My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no harm.” *23*Then the king was exceedingly glad, and commanded that Daniel be taken up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no kind of harm was found on him, because he had trusted in his God. .’

Daniel 6:19–23.

As soon as he can, after an anguished, sleep-deprived night, the king rushes to the den to find out Daniel’s fate. He addresses Daniel, ‘O Daniel, servant of the living God’. Still gripped by fear, the king doesn't forget Daniel's reputation. It is quite an unusual greeting, certainly not how I have ever heard someone addressed. Yet, what a powerful greeting, what a way to be known!

Daniel’s name has become synonymous with being a servant of God and everyone knows him that way; the satraps, officials, king and the community know that Daniel is a servant of the living God, he is not ashamed of it, he has not hidden it, in fact Daniel has intentionally made his trust in God known through the way he lives his life. 

What are you known for? What is your reputation amongst the people?

Daniel has purposefully been open about the God he serves. He has not kept his private life, his work life or his faith separate. In fact he ensures that everything stems from the faith he has in the Living God. His God is his foundation. Daniel; is obedient, prays multiple times a day, trusts God through the many trials, and he recognises his service to this world is through serving God. Daniel’s faith is not a byproduct of his life or an add on like attending a group, but his identity flows from being a ‘servant of the living God’. Daniel naturally, obviously and openly lives for God. He is patient and perseveres when troubles come, not denying or hiding his faith, but boldly walking in it despite persecution. It is not easy for him, in fact his faith could have cost his life several times.  

Are you living a life of faith as openly and boldly?

This is a challenge for us - how do we build a reputation like Daniel? How do we live so boldly for God? If we look at Daniel, we see that he was open and honest. He never hid his beliefs and values, instead he demonstrated and spoke about them. He made the effort to make God known through his life wherever he was, whoever he was with and in whatever he was doing. He did it when things were going well, and he did it when they weren't. Daniel lived consciously and conscientiously for God. He sought a close relationship with his God through prayer and obedience. This is where Daniel’s reputation came from - a trusting relationship with God. Through this he was secure in God’s goodness and faithfulness. As a result, Daniel realised that he did not need to fight for salvation, his reputation or deliverance. He trusted God. There have been times when Daniel could have made his own plans to save himself, instead, every time, he prayed to ‘the living God’. He did not run away or fight back. As a result he sometimes got answers, revelation and miraculous deliverance, and sometimes, he had to face the terrifying reality in the face so that he and others could see God’s miraculous salvation. Every time Daniel trusts in God. Not himself, or a clever plan, but he seeks God and is rewarded with deliverance and a restored reputation. 

If you want to have a reputation like Daniel’s, what are you doing about it? 

Are you inviting God to make a difference to your character so that you can demonstrate unwavering faith in Him in your lifestyle, your work place and in your community? Daniel's reputation was built upon the foundation of a relationship with God. what is yours built on?

Monday, 17 October 2022

Being dedicated to God in your work life

Daniel’s fellow high officials and satraps are so jealous of his recognition, good service and impermeable character that they seek his downfall. They persuade the king to make a ruling that they know Daniel will not keep because of his dedication to God. They plot and plan together to not punish Daniel, harm him or discredit him - they want him dead. 

The officials and satraps cleverly come up with an edict that could rid them of Daniel and cause the king to feel esteemed at the same time. Thus ensuring that thier plot to be rid of Daniel can be fulfilled. The plan is that king Darius make an ordinance that all prayers and petitions be directed to himself for 30 days, no other person or god. The king likes the idea - he gets the glory and renown, so it sounds good to him. He doesn’t seem to question it or consider the ramifications other than it would make him look and feel good. 

Once the new rule has been put in place we find that despite the rule not to, Daniel has continued to faithfully honour and pray to his God alone. He kept his routine; praying 3 times a day, unhidden, carrying on just as boldly, or even more so, to seek God. The fellow officials and satraps expect Daniel would do so, so they know when, where and how to catch him out. It is no surprise. It seems that it is with glee that they inform king Darius of Daniel’s disobedience, knowing that the king’s favourite must now be dumped in the den of lions;

'14*Then the king, when he heard these words, was much distressed and set his mind to deliver Daniel. And he laboured till the sun went down to rescue him. *15*Then these men came by agreement to the king and said to the king, “Know, O king, that it is a law of the Medes and Persians that no injunction or ordinance that the king establishes can be changed.” 

*16*Then the king commanded, and Daniel was brought and cast into the den of lions. The king declared to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, deliver you!” *17*And a stone was brought and laid on the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his own signet and with the signet of his lords, that nothing might be changed concerning Daniel. *18*Then the king went to his palace and spent the night fasting; no diversions were brought to him, and sleep fled from him.'

Daniel 6:14–18.

The punishment is quickly brought about, and we can see the concern, regret, the disturbance of the king. He worried, he planned, he tried to rescue Daniel, but he could not figure out how to do it. So he reluctantly carries out the edict that has been written and without much faith says to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, deliver you!”. Darius does not know that this is possible. A man, chucked amongst vicious beasts does not stand much chance, and he, the king, has decreed it. Unwittingly signing the death warrant of his most loyal, faithful overseer and he can do nothing about it. So he frets, loses sleep, can’t eat and expects the worse. Knowing that Darius showed this level of grief shows that he and Daniel clearly had a good, personal relationship, a mutual trust and respect for one another. Darius clearly sees Daniel as more than a worker or a leader. Through working together, Daniel has become a trusted adviser and friend. So much so, that although the king knows that the rules must be obeyed, he wishes they didn’t so that he could save Daniel’s life.

What are you working relationships like?

Daniel had a mixed experience. King Darius, his boss loved him - he saw Daniel's hard work, success, patience, insight and trustworthiness. Yet, at the same time, Daniel's co-workers were jealous and wanted rid of him. The question is, what are you working for? We all work to receive money, but what is your intent at work? Is it just to earn money? or is it to make God known? 

Through Daniel's work ethic, his honesty,  care for others, his problem solving attitude and diligence, he made it known that he was following God in what he did. He openly talked about his faith and displayed it by his actions. When at work, we have a real opportunity to display Jesus not just in what we say, but what we do and how we do it. 

Do people see you working conscientiously, with care, respectfully? 

Do you honour the rules, even the ones that no-one else does? 

Do you bring God with you to work -do you make it clear where your strength and abilities come from like Daniel did? 

Daniel relied on God throughout. People knew who he was serving - he lived and was prepared to be ridiculed, pushed out and die for it. Some people loved him, some people hated him, he still did what he knew God wanted him to do - Do people see the same dedication in you? 

Monday, 10 October 2022

Are you jealous?

 *4*Then the high officials and the satraps sought to find a ground for complaint against Daniel with regard to the kingdom, but they could find no ground for complaint or any fault, because he was faithful, and no error or fault was found in him. *5*Then these men said, “We shall not find any ground for complaint against this Daniel unless we find it in connection with the law of his God.” 

Daniel 6:4–5.

The high officials and satraps, Daniel’s; fellow workers, leaders, peers, sought to find fault in him, why? They had no grounds to dislike him or seek to punish him, yet they desired to. They saw his success, and no matter how hard they looked, they could only find that in all things he dealt with integrity - how annoying! They had no reason to complain about him, yet their hatred/jealousy of him did not abate. The only thing they could probably say is that maybe he made them look bad, or not as good as they thought they were because of his integrity. Ultimately, this desire to catch Daniel out, to report him for misconduct or error is not because they were concerned or worried about his work ethic, but because they were all jealous. Not of his character or righteousness, but of his commendation and position.

I wonder what could have happened if they had approached Daniel and sought advice or assistance to improve their reputation and ability in their responsible positions. Or if they had been as diligent with inspecting their own work and resolving problems rather than trying to find problems with Daniel’s. These officials were all men of high regard, authority and power, intelligent and capable. They had similar roles and responsibilities to Daniel, and yet they are consumed with jealousy. They see that eventhough he is the same in position, he is different. Daniel is regarded differently by the king himself, so instead of looking at what they can improve or seeking Daniel's aid and advice, they become consumed with jealousy. They have lost sight of what they already have and are disgruntled because someone else does the job better. Rather than seeking self-improvement they seek the destruction of the one better than them.

Have you ever seen that in your life? Can you be like that? 

Be honest with yourself; do you harbour annoyance, anger, jealousy when others have what you do not? Do you find yourself complaining about others because they are successful? Or are you jealous when others have different roles and responsibilities than you? 

You may not outwardly express the jealousy, or seeks another's downfall in practice, but internalising it is just as unhealthy. 

Jealousy can sneak in over time, and it can be easy to justify our feelings of resentment and dislike by seeking reasons to talk and think badly of others, finding solace in the fact that others feel the same. This is what Daniel's fellow leaders did - they realised they all disliked Daniel and got together to plot his downfall. Yet, finding that others may harbour the same response to someone doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t mean that you are right to feel that way. We can take warning from this story in Daniel about how it is. Jealousy is ugly, so watch yourself, watch your heart, and your responses to others. If you find any jealousy there, talk to God about it, and ask Him to help you. Jealousy is really admiration taken the wrong way, so ask God to help you to restore relationships and help you to see the good in the person, maybe even seek their help and advice - what is it in them that you actually want? Ask God to grow YOU rather than desiring the downfall of another.

I am sure Daniel must have been aware of the other officials and satraps scrutinising his work, and probably their disgruntled feelings towards him, but he does not deal unkindly with them (that would have been grounds for complaint), and he continues to work diligently. He did not change his work style when he realised his fellow officials and satraps were looking into his business. He did not work slower or less in order to make himself seem less good. He simply did what he knew was right and did what he could. You should do the same. 

Daniel knew that this job, as important and significant as it was, was just a job. His aim and what he lived for was to work in such a way as to honour the God he served in whatever capacity he had opportunity to. As followers of God, we to0 should work as if we are working for Jesus, not for the approval of others. So, work diligently, faithfully, with integrity and dedication to whatever task you are given. Do not worry about the others around you - you are responsible for you. You are responsible for the way you behave and your own responses to other people. If you are a follower of Jesus - you are working for a higher purpose, for a greater, more powerful boss than any other. Do those around you see it?

Monday, 3 October 2022

an excellent spirit

As we consider Daniel’s life, we can see that he had times when he was valued and revered, and times when he was forgotten and overlooked. We first met Daniel when he was a young teenage exile thrust into leadership in the Babylonian empire. Over time he was promoted and trusted with solving king Nebuchadnezzar’s problems, Daniel also had responsibility in the kingdom. Then, years later, during Belshazzar’s reign, Daniel is unknown. Daniel went from a position of prominence to oblivion. The influence and responsibility he once had disappeared, and the Belshazzar does not even know who Daniel is. He is only informed about Daniel in his last hours on earth, yet Daniel is still introduced to him as someone of excellent character and capability, and proves his God-given ability to continue to solve dilemma, he has not changed. Next comes Darius, (the conqueror of Babylon), and we find out in the following verses his impression of Daniel; 

It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom 120 satraps, to be throughout the whole kingdom; *2*and over them three high officials, of whom Daniel was one, to whom these satraps should give account, so that the king might suffer no loss. *3*Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.

Daniel 6:1–6:3.

Darius again discovers the 'excellent spirit' that is in Daniel that Belshazzar was ignorant of, and Darius commends and elevates Daniel's position once again. From prominence in his youth, to a substantial time of oblivion from public servitude, to again a period of recognition and responsibility when he is approaching 90 years old! 

Yet, Daniel’s character and faith had not changed. He is a man of God from chapter 1 throughout his life, even during the overlooked years he remains faithful to God, as when he is introduced to Belshazzar, it is as a man with ‘an excellent spirit, knowledge and understanding’, so clearly his reputation and character had not changed, just the position that he was given by men had. 

We see from this account of Daniel’s life that wherever Daniel was, and whatever job role he had, he was still a man who had ‘an excellent spirit’. Is that how you are known wherever you are, whatever you are doing?

How we behave, how we regard God should not change even when situations in life do. God does not change, but man's opinion and esteem of us can, just like it did with Daniel. Some people will appreciate the God-given abilities we have, others will reject and hate it.

Daniel stood out because he was a follower of God. No matter where he was or what he was doing, he was faithful and committed to serving God from his youth through to old age. This made him different in how he handled himself and other people. It was something outstanding and undefinable to the rest of the world, so some accepted it and others rejected it. Nebuchadnezzar did not understand it, but he made use of the wisdom and insight of Daniel, Belshazzar rejected and ignored it, and Darius put to work the ‘excellent spirit’ within him. It is the same for you. People will either accept you for who you are, or they will reject you. If you are living a God-fueled life, do not be surprised by it, but remain faithful. Jesus tells us we will be rejected by some on account of our faith (Luke 10:16 ‘the one who rejects you rejects me’). It is not really us that is accepted or rejected, but the one whom we accept as the Living God. Daniel experienced it, and if you are serious about your faith you will experience it too. When we live our lives for God, it is acceptable to some and repugnant to others. It is the Jesus in you that they are accepting or rejecting. So do not despair if you are being overlooked or rejected. Take comfort in the fact that this happens for the glory of God, because you are displaying Jesus to people and not everyone can handle it, and take inspiration from the life of Daniel also lived unnoticed and unappreciated - but he did not fail to continue following God, to continue to be the man of ‘excellent spirit’ that he was. 

The truth is that when we live for God, we cease to live for mankind, or even for ourselves. When we truly have ‘an excellent spirit’, it does not matter which opportunities come or go, we will still have our character, and our God. We take that wherever we are and whatever we do, are you a person of excellent spirit?